Disney animated film example
An example of Disney's successful animated film. -
Disney's animated films example
Disney add-ons to its unique animated film's feature is "inanimate objects come to life." (Jeffords 75) For example, in this movie is the dancing brooms. -
Disney animated films example
An example of Disney's successful animated film. -
Agenda changing
Ronald Reagan made to Richard Nixon's agenda for the 1980s was a focus on the family and the moral values that, for those on the far right, defined it. -
Republican Tickets
The Republican tickets for 1988 revealed the divisions between these elements (Family and moral values) of the right. Bush (His previous experience)and Dan Quayle (focus on "gender gap")campaigned while Republican women represent the voice fro abortion and rights in workplace. -
80's films
An example author uses to compare with 90's films made by black directors. "The safe, nonlethal, aging image of an African-Aerican police officer who kills only when provoked by true evil is an appealing screen character for white mainstream audiences who can be assured that assimilated black men will enforce rather than challenge U.S systems."(Jeffords 74) -
Nostalgic Films
1990 begins with Leonard Reitman's film "Kindergarten Cop." Acted by Arnold Schwarzenegger as an example of new male heroes. The character John Kimball as an 80's man with tough, unshaved, brutal characteristics. -
90's films
Robocop 2 shows "the distress brought about in its hero's life...makes clear that behind the tough bodies of these male heroes lies...a caring, troubled, and suffering individual... But 1991 Robocop failed to do so." (Jeffords 74) -
Disney animated films example
An example of Disney not only adapts traditional fairy-tales but also "had success in recent years with animated features that develop new characters." (Jeffords 74) -
90's films
Example of 1991 films by black directors -
90's Films
Micheal Keaton in "One Good Cop" and is to learn the importance to put family in priority.. -
90's films
In 1991, same films as before, many examples like Billy Crystal in "City Slickers", this films is a lesson that returns to the family. -
90's films
Example of 1991 films made by black directors. -
90's films
Black male directors made films about black men's lives emphasize families and masculinities as well. -
90's films
In these films, families provide both the motivation for and the resolution of changing masculinity heroisms. -
90's films
Example of 90's film lists -
90's films
Example of 90's film lists -
Disney "Beauty and the Beast"
The author begins to discuss the animated film version of "Beauty, and the Beast" came out in 1991. Disney has already successful at animated film fields, and once the film came out "no one, certainly, seems ti have been less loved than the hero of the Walt Disney studio's." (Jeffords 74) -
Beauty and the Beast continued.
The author discussed the changing Disney made in the movie compare to the original story. In the movie, the main character shifted to the Beast rather than Belle. Also the emphasis on the subject of the masculinity. And Disney's own trademark of inanimate objects. The curse in the original has changed either, Disney's curse is that the beast has to learn to love first. -
Beauty and the Beast Continued.
Author continues to explain why the beast could be a popular character. "The beast seem childish, blustering, 'clumsy', petulalnt, and untutored." (Jeffords 76) -
Beauty and the Beast continued.
Moreover, the author talked about how the Beast represent the New Man that in the previous timeline presented the differences between 80's man and 90's man in films. The audience can see the changing characteristics of the Beast throughout the movie. -
80's Vs. 90's
The differences between 80's and 90's films. "The 80's films were being given feelings that were presumably hidden behind their confrontational violence. While 90's films are telling the audience that these men were self-destructive." (Jeffords 74) -
Beauty and the Beast continued.
The author introduced Gaston, another example of contrary masculinity. "Gaston fulfills the stereotyped image of male beauty... he fulfills a stereotyped image of masculinity as well " (Jeffords 76) Author explained that compare to Gaston, the Beast could be a better choice to Belle by Disney vilify Gaston on purpose. -
In conclusion, the author summarized the idea that why she thinks we need the transformation of the New Man.She thinks that "no one can be free until men are released from the curse of living under the burdens of traditional masculinities" (Jeffords 76) The last paragraph from the article said "in the muscular bodies that made them heroes. but for the beast and his friends, those bodies are not resources but burdens, the exterior image that they must overcome in order to be happy." (Jeffords 77)