1st Natural Gas Well Drilled in US
Fredonia, New York, William Hart noticed gas bubbling in the water of a creek and dug a well to get a better gas flow. -
Coal Replaces Wood in Fuel in Trains
The coal was used because the trains were able to run better by coal. This jump=started American industry. -
Ethanol Displaces Whale Oil in Lamps
Ethanol is used for lamps instead of whale oil because it is muych easier to light and brighter. It was also cheaper at the time. -
Windmill is Used as a Pump for Water in the West
This is one of the earliest uses of wind as an energy source to pump water for the construction of the railroads and life on the prarie. -
1st Oil Well Drilled by Drake
The first oil well was drilled by Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania. Also at this time kerosine was starting to be used for lamps. The rise of Standard Oil -
Rockefeller Creates Standard Oil
This company became a monopoly in the fuel industry and made the country use petroleum as the main energy source. -
1st Electrical Plant Built
This was the first plant built by Thomas Edison in New York that supplied electricity to the city. -
1st Hydroelectric Plant Built
This was the first commercial hydroelectric plant and it was built in Wisconson -
First Windmill to Generate Electricity Built
This was built in Cleveland, Ohio, and it generated about 12,000 watts for the owner -
First Nuclear Power Reactor to Generate Electricity
THis was built in Idaho and it was able to power four 100 watts light bulbs