Electricity *Non-exact date*
When Ben Franklin tied a key to the string of a kite he proved that static electricity and lighting were the same. -
Electric Battery *Non-exact date*
Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery. The volt was named after him. -
Arc Lamp *Non-exact date*
Humphry Davy invented the first effective arc lamp. -
Electric Motor *Non-exact date*
The first electric motor was invented by Michael Faraday. -
Electric Relationship *Non-exact date*
Georg Ohm defined the relationship between power, voltage, current and resistance in Ohms Law. -
Electric Relay
THe electric relay was invented by Joseph Henry, it is used to send electrical currents long distances. -
First Generator *Non exact date*
Charles Brush invented the open coil dynamo or generator that could produce a steady current of electricity. -
AC Powerline *Non-exact date*
An AC powerline that transmits power 20 miles from Niagra Falls to Buffalo, had succeeded. -
Electron *Non-exact date*
The electron was discovered by Joseph John Thomson. -
Photoelectric Cells *Non-exact date
Photoelectric cells were discovered.