Department of Energy Creation
President Jimmy Carter gives a speech motivating citizens to use less energy. Presidnet Carter also began the Department of Energy. -
DOE Activation
The Department of Energy was activated. -
First Wind Farm
The first wind farm was established in New Hampshire. -
Solar One
The nations first solar thermal plant opened near Daggett, California. -
Environemental Restoration and Waste Management
Energy Secretary created the new office of the Environmental Restoration and Waste Management. -
Energy Star
Energy Star was introduced by the US Environemental Protection Agency. -
Solar Energy Research Facility
The National Reneewable Energy Labratory created the most effienct government building. -
Solar Two
An upgrade of Solar One was created by the DOE. -
The lasrgest rooftop solor panel
Powerlight Corp. installs the largest rooftop solar panel system at the Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, California. -
Energy Bill
Presidnet George Bush signed a comprehensive Energy Bill.