Energy Time Line

  • First Oil Well Drilled in US

    First Oil Well Drilled in US
    The First Oil Well is drilled in the United States located in Pennsylvania.
  • Creation of the National Park Service

    Creation of the National Park Service
    In an effort to preserve the natural beauty and wildlife of the United States, President Woodrow WIlson created an agency dedicated to "...conserve the scenery and the natural and historical objects and wildlife wherein..."
  • A Sand County Almanac

    A Sand County Almanac
    One of the earliest books on environmentalism; inspired the author of Silent Spring to write her book.
  • Silent Spring published

    Silent Spring published
    Silent Spring is published, sparking the mainstream "Green" movement as we know it today. The author cautioned the usage of DDT due to the possible environmental and health problems.
  • The Clean Air Act of 1963

    The Clean Air Act of 1963
    The first passage of an act designed to clean up pollution in the United States. The act was amended four more times; the 1970 amendment required the EPA to create regulation to deal with air pollution on a national level
  • No One's Gonna Change Our World

    No One's Gonna Change Our World
    One of the First Charity albums is released in support of the World Wildlife Fund, featuring songs from popular artists including The Beatles and The Hollies
  • Environmental Protection Agency

    Environmental Protection Agency
    Due do increasing demands that something be done to help protect the environment, President Richard Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) to regulate and eventually destroy pollution of all types in America.
  • Foundation of the UNEP

    Foundation of the UNEP
    The United Nations Environment Progamme was founded in 1972 to help developing countries regulate pollution.
  • Birth of the Tree Huggers

    Birth of the Tree Huggers
    The most widely known instance of anti-lumbering protest happened in 1974 when a group of poor women in India hugged trees to stop them from being chopped down.
  • The Montreal Protocol

    The Montreal Protocol
    The Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer was the first comprehensive International treaty designed to rebuild the Ozone layer that was steadily being depleted. Over 197 nations ratified the Protocol, along with The Vatican and the Europea Union. Signed 16 September 1987 and implemented 1 January 1989