Energy in the US

  • Energy in the 18th Century

    Energy in the 18th Century
    In the 18th Century, fire wood and animal labor were used for energy.
  • Energy in the 18th Century

    Energy in the 18th Century
    Steam engines have been invented, and they use steam as a source of energy,
  • The battery

    The battery
    The first battery was invented in this year,
  • The first electric motor

    The first electric motor
    The first electric motor was invented in 1821.
  • Energy in the 19th Century

    Energy in the 19th Century
    Wind power is now used somewhat. For years, people have used sailboats, with wind powering the boat.
  • Energy in the 19 Century

    Energy in the 19 Century
    Coal is now a major source of energy, this is due to the increase of railroads.
  • Energy in the 20th Century

    Energy in the 20th Century
    Gas is now a source of energy. The introduction of cars lead to lots of gas stations.
  • Solar panels

    Solar panels
    The solar cell was discovered in this year. Soon after it's discovery, the solar panel was created.
  • Energy in the 20th Century

    Energy in the 20th Century
    Burning municipal solid waste can produce energy.
  • Electric car

    Electric car
    The electric car was invented, because of rising gasoline prices.