Endless Dusk

  • Operation Barbarossa Begins

    Swift, effective and devesating. The German Army begin their ruthless assault into the Soviet Union pushing deep into Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic States. In a short few months the fronts of the Soviets collapse and the cities of Leningrad and Moscow are Threatened.
  • Period: to

    Stavka Directive No. 3

    Germany saw success and the Soviets saw defeat. In a desperate attempt to halt the impossible to prepare for the efficacy of the Nazi War machine, the Soviets began a series of defensive operations and counterattacks to save Moscow and Leningrad from falling and begin to move towards a full frontline counterattack. The cities were saved but the Nazis held firm in their new gains.
  • Soviet Winter Offensive secures front

    With a broad defense-in-depth system of operations finally bore fruit and halted future advances, the Soviets began a winter counter-offensive that saw the regaining of lost territory revitalizing the Red Army.
  • Period: to

    Soviet Industrialization and Militarization Plan

    Under orders from Stalin, a grand reconstruction and revitalization plan was initiated. The industry was moved east of the Urals. Cities were evacuated and the army began a massive expansion plan to increase the size of ready and fully equipped soldiers for the future reclamation battle plans.
  • Period: to

    Case Blue

    The Nazi war plan to continue their push into the Soviets was, like the start of the war, effective. Hundreds of thousands were encircled and hundreds of thousands were killed. With its success came the initial foundation and planning of the General Plan-Ost. Stalingrad was captured and the Nazis pushed deeper into the Caucuses. Pushes into Central Asia however were halted.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Stalingrad had fallen but the battle wasn't over. December was a winter of blood as over a million soldiers died for that city leaving it a wreck of its former cityscape. The Soviets captured and lost the city numerous times eventually by Christmas day fully losing the city and being pushed back to the Volga estuary where the frontline would inevitably stabilize.
  • The Hydra Memoranda Presented to Hitler

    Himmler, along with Key SS advisors and members, presented the so-called "Hydra Memoranda" to Hitler beginning to seed doubt in Hitler's mind that he could trust no one... No one except Himmler of course.
  • Battle of Kursk

    The Battle of Kursk was a brutal and vile battle that saw a major victory for the Soviets at the cost of too much manpower and equipment to consider it a long-term benefit for the war effort. While the cities capture allowed the Soviets to prepare for operations deeper into Ukraine it also left them in a state of disorganization and devastation that those future operations never could come.
  • Germany full secures the Caucasus

    With the battle of Tbilisi and Abkhazia at an end, the Nazis have raised their flag in every city and town across these oil-rich lands. Preparations to begin extracting oil were underway before the army rolled through every street with their Panzers, but now a fully operational oil extraction and refining campaign could begin.
  • Operation Citadel

    The last push, the final struggle to destroy the soviet front and take Moscow and finally achieve the AA-Line. Against all odds, against the fiery rage of the defenders of the Union, the Men and Women who dared to defy the Hun with all their might were crushed under the treads of the Metal horrors made in some factory across the Vistula. The Germans were going to win, it was obvious to everyone now. Not even Stalin, the man of Iron, could put together a speech to deny it. The Motherland was Dead