
End of WWII & Cold War

  • The U.S and The Soviet Union

    The U.S and The Soviet Union
    The US and the Soviet union were both in the same team in WWII. But after WWII they were starting to get tense.
  • Getting concerned

    Getting concerned
    The US was getting concerned about communism in the Soviet Union. They were mostly concerned about Joseph Stalin.
  • Soviet union against US

    Soviet union against US
    The Soviet Union resented Americans because the US did not treat them as they were part of their community.
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    The US and Russia started the "Arms Race". It was where they competed against each other with who had the best weapons
  • First H Bomb

    First H Bomb
    The first bomb that the US launched was called the H bomb. It destroyed a whole Island and left a lot of poisonous radioactive waste into the atmosphere.
  • Against Communism

    Against Communism
    Truman's council report said that their military force will contain communism out of the US.
  • Bomb Effect

    Bomb Effect
    During the Arms Race, many people had to start making a bomb shelter. Everyday in those years there was a bomb launched.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The US and the Soviet Union created the Space race. It was a competition on who had the best equipment for space and who landed on the moon first.
  • NASA

    The US launched their first satellite called Explorer I. It was created by the US Army from the rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun.
  • End of Communism

    End of Communism
    Every communist state in region replaced it government with a non-communist one. The Soviet Union fell apart.