Battle of Gettysburg
Fact: -
Battle of Vicksburg
Fact: -
Gettysburg Address
Fact: -
General Sherman Begins March Through the South
U.S. Grant VS R.E. Lee Begins: Total War
Wade-Davis Bill Vetoed
Lincoln Reelected
Fact: -
Sherman Captures Atlanta
Fact: -
Thirteen Amendment Ratified
Fact: -
Union Closing In
Richmond Captured!
Fact: -
Lee Surrenders; Civil War Ends
Fact: -
Lincoln Assassinated!
Fact: -
Andrew Johnson Sworn in as President
Fact: -
Civil Rights Act Passed
Fact: -
Reconstruction Act Passed
Fact: -
President Johnson Impeached
Fact: -
Johnson Acquitted
Fourteenth Amendment Ratified
Fact: -
Fifteenth Amendment Ratified
Fact: -
Compromise of 1877; Reconstruction Ends