Korean war

End of Cold War Timeline

  • U.S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics

    U.S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics
    The 1980 Summer Olympics boycott was a boycott of the Moscow Smmer Games, led by western nations, mostly the United Sates. The leaders of the boycott were protesting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Western nations said they would not send athletes to compete in the Summer Games unless Russia withdrew its troops.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

    Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
    SDI proposed U.S. strategic defensive system against potential nuclear attacks— mostly from the Soviet Union. The SDI was first proposed by President Ronald Reagan in a nationwide television address on March 23, 1983. parts of the defense system that Reagan supported would be based in space, the system was nicknamed "STAR WARS"
  • Carribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)

    Carribbean Basin Initiative (CBI)
    the CBI provides countries with access to the U.S. market for most goods. And aimed to provide several tariff and trade benefits to many Central American and Caribbean countries.
  • mikhail gorbachev became general secretary of the communist party

    mikhail gorbachev became general secretary of the communist party
    Numerous people were in line to be General Secretary before him, but most of them were old and died very quickly after they came to power, leading the Politburo to elect him into the position as he was the youngest of the available candidates in 1985.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    Iran-Contra Affair
    The Iran-Contra Affair was one of the largest political scandals in the United States during the 1980s. It involved several members of the Reagan Administration who in 1986 helped sell arms to Iran, an enemy, and used the proceeds to fund the Contras, an anti-communist guerrilla organization in Nicaragua.
  • Intermediate Nuclear Range Forces Treaty

    Intermediate Nuclear Range Forces Treaty
    The INF Treaty is the first nuclear arms control agreement to actually reduce nuclear arms, rather than establish ceilings that could not be exceeded.
  • Berlin Wall Collapses

    Berlin Wall Collapses
    The Soviet Union ended and the city of Berlin was no longer divided between East Germany and West Germany. Therefore, the Berlin Wall was knocked down
  • 1st Mcdonalds opens in Moscow

    1st Mcdonalds opens in Moscow
    That day Moscow McDonald's set a world record: it served more than 30 thousand visitors. People stood in line for over 6 hours, willing to get a taste of this unusual food. At that time it was the first fast food place in the whole country.
  • Germany is Reunified

    Germany is Reunified
    The German reunification was the process in 1990 in which the German Democratic Republic joined the Federal Republic of Germany to form the reunited nation of Germany, and when Berlin reunited into a single city, as provided by its then Grundgesetz constitution Article 23.
  • Warsaw Pact is dissolved

    Warsaw Pact is dissolved
    East Germany withdrew in 1990 and on July 1 1991 at a final summit meeting of Warsaw Pact leaders in Prague, Czechoslovakia, it was declared "non-existent".
  • Boris Yelstine elected President of Russia

    Boris Yelstine elected President of Russia
    Boris Yeltsin was a Russian politician and the first President of the Russian Federation, serving from 1991 to 1999.
  • End of the Soviet Union

    End of the Soviet Union
    The Soviet Union finally crashed after years of a failing economy. There partaking in communism called for a failed ecomy since the start.