Emperor Meiji

  • Birth and Boyhood

    Birth and Boyhood
    He was born on November 3rd 1852. As a boy Emperor Meiji (a.k.a Mutsuhito) was raised in a small in a small house on his maternal Grandfathers property on the North end of Gosho, Japan.
  • Reign

    The Tokugawa Shogunate had established itself in the early 17th century. Under its rule, the shogun governed Japan. About 180 lords, known as daimyo, ruled autonomous realms under the shogun, who occasionally called upon the daimyo for gifts, but did not tax them.
  • Proclaimed Prince

    Proclaimed Prince
    Sachinomiya (boyhood name) was proclaimed prince, heir to the throne, adopted by his fathers cosort. Later that year he was given his adult name - Mutsuhito.
  • Becoming Emperor

    Becoming Emperor
    By the early 1860s, the shogunate was under several threats. Representatives of foreign powers sought to increase their influence in Japan. Many daimyo were increasingly dissatisfied with bakufu handling foreign affairs.
  • Fathers Death

    Fathers Death
    Emperor Komei died at age 36d Meiji took the reign.
  • Formal emperor

    Formal emperor
    Meiji formally became emperor at age 14 but continued his studies hile shogun Yoshinobu maintained power.
  • Meiji Restoration

    Meiji Restoration
    During the Meiji restoration, Emperor Meiji restored rule to centralized Monarchy.
  • Marriage

    Meiji married Ichjo Haruko, she was 3 years older than him and was the daugther of an imperial official.
  • Meiji Constitution

    Meiji Constitution
    This document stated rights and duties of the people and gave an elected legislative chamber the power to veto goverment bills.
  • Breakthrough in equal trade treaties for Japan

    Breakthrough in equal trade treaties for Japan
    The British government agreed to a new and equal trade treaty with Japan. other countries followed suit which terminated 40 years of inequal trade treaties for Japan.
  • Death

    The death of the great emperor Meiji.