Emma lazarus

Emma Lazarus timeline

  • Little Emma was born

    Little Emma was born
    July 22, 1849 little Emma Lazarus was born with everything she could ever need a home, beautiful dresses, and plenty of love from her family.

    During World War 1 on Emma's 12th birthday she failed to recieve a present she wanted and refused to say a word for the rest of the day because, her parents have spoiled her.
  • The Collection of Poems

    The Collection of Poems
    When Emma was 18 she wrote her first collection of poems and published them but after she died her sister hid them and they went missing until someone heard that her sister sold them to a lady and the sister said she never wanted to be reminded of her sisters death.
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    Ralph W. Emerson met Emma when she was 18-years old when they began to correspond with each other. After he received her Poems and Translations, Emerson wrote to Lazarus saying her "poems have important merits."
  • The Offer

    The Offer
    William Maxwell Evarts was concerned because, America had not yet raised enough money to build the pedestal that the Statue of Liberty would stand on, Evarts asked several eminent writers including Emma to compose original poems and stories, which would be sold at an auction in New York City as part of a fundraising drive. So she was so happy she took the job and started writing the poem.
  • Bidding Day

    Bidding Day
    The night of the drawing of who wrote the best poem tension was flowing through out the room until Emma was chosen every one was happy and supported Emma. So later they decided it was so good they thought it would be a good idea to put her poem on the monument the day the last part of the graceful women was placed.
  • Unavailable

    The day the Mother of Exiles was completed as they promised they engraved the poem into the entrance of the Statue of Liberty but that day Emma could not attend because, her father ,Esther Lazarus, died and unfortunetly had a funeral that day.
  • The End of Her Life

    The End of Her Life
    November 19, 1887 Emma Lazarus succumed to Hodgkins disease. After her death, poet John Greenleaf Whittier wrote that " the Semitic race has had no braver writer."