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Emma by Jane Austen

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    A Bittersweet Beginning

    A Bittersweet Beginning
    Emma's governess, Mrs. Weston, gets married and leaves the house. Emma and her father are distraught because she has been a dear friend to them. Though, Emma cannot feel too sad because she made the match.
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    A New Project

    A New Project
    When Emma hosts a party for her father, she meets Harriet, whom she decides will be her next matchmaking project. She concludes that she will improve Harriet's social standing by marrying her off.
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    The Victim

    The Victim
    Emma declares that Mr. Elton will be a fine choice for Harriet's husband. Though he is not good enough for herself, he will do for Harriet. Mr. Elton quickly becomes the victim of Emma's schemes to make him fall in love with Harriet.
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    When It All Goes Wrong

    When It All Goes Wrong
    So far Emma thinks that her scheming is going very well, and she excepts that Mr. Elton will soon propose to Harriet. She is shocked when Mr. Elton confesses his love to her and asks her to marry him.
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    Flirting with Frank

    Flirting with Frank
    When a new character arrives, Frank Churchill, Emma takes a liking to him and the two flirt with each other for some time.
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    Jealous of Jane

    Jealous of Jane
    Jane Fairfax, another new character, arrives and everyone is extremely charmed by her perfectness except for Emma. She is jealous that everyone else likes her so much because it takes much of the attention away from her.
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    The Ball

    The Ball
    Emma decides to host a ball with her new crush, Frank, with whom she decides that she is sort of in love. At the ball, Mr. Elton rudely turns down Harriet as a dance partner, but Mr. Knightly gallantly saves the day by asking Harriet to dance. Harriet is so swooned by this act of chivalry that she develops a secret love for him. Later Emma dances with Mr. Knightly and realizes that they are not as much like brother and sister as she thought...
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    The Gypsy Attack

    The Gypsy Attack
    The morning after the ball Emma is greeted by Frank and Harriet, who is very week. They report to her that Harriet was "attacked" by a gang of gypsies and that Frank saved her. After Frank leaves, Harriet tells Emma that she is ready to get over Mr. Elton and that she is falling in love again. Emma of course thinks that she means Frank Churchill.
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    Box Hill

    Box Hill
    The high-class gang that Emma hangs out with, decides to go for a picnic at Box Hill. When things get a bit dull, she and Frank come up with a game. Frank declares that everyone should say 1 very witty thing, 2 sort of witty things, or 3 very boring things. Poor old Mr. Bates declares that she will not have trouble saying 3 boring things but Emma rudely replies that she won't be able to limit herself to 3 boring things. Mrs. Bates is very hurt and Emma gets told off by Mr. Kightly.
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    A Striking Turn of Events

    A Striking Turn of Events
    Emma receives news from Mrs. Weston that she has some very pressing information to give her. Emma goes at once, and is shocked to find out that Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax have been secretly engaged.
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    The Proposal

    The Proposal
    After Harriet hears the news of Frank and Jane she tells Emma that she loves Mr. Knightly. Emma is extremely distraught because she realizes that she loves Mr. Knightly. She takes a walk in the garden and Mr. Knightly appears and after some misunderstandings are resolved he tells Emma that he loves her and asks her to marry him.
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    The Plan

    The Plan
    Emma is extremely happy with her new engagement but then she realizes that she will never be able to leave her father. Emma's father is completely dependent upon her and would be very distraught if Emma left. Then Mr. Knightly suggests that he should move to Hartfield with Emma and her father so that she doesn't have to leave. Emma is afraid to hurt Harriet with the news but writes to her anyway.
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    Emma makes a trip to see the Bateses and finds Jane there, they both congratulate each other on their engagements and apologize for their past rudeness and jealousy. They hug and part as friends.
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    The Letter

    The Letter
    Emma receives a gracious letter from Harriet, who tells her that she has decided to marry the farmer Mr. Martin. She is with who she was meant to be with all along and almost all is right in the world.
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    The Wedding

    The Wedding
    Mrs. Weston has a baby and Emma's father decides that they won't marry for a few more years. However, a disaster occurs when Mrs. Weston's henhouse is robbed. Mr. Woodhouse is very afraid that his own house will be robbed and so Emma and Mr. Knightly marry at once. They have a beautiful and simple wedding and live happily ever after.