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Emily Brontë

  • Birth

    She was born in Thornton.
  • Move to Haworth

    Move to Haworth
    She moved to Haworth with her family.
  • Moher’s death

    Her mother died because she had cancer and it hurt Emily a lot.
  • New school

    The four sisters were sent to a school in Cowan Bridge, where two of the sisters got tuberculosis.
  • Sisters’s death

    Maria and Elizabeth, two of Emily’s sisters, died because they had tuberculosis.
  • Her job

    She started to work as governess.
  • Poetry book

    Emily and her sister Charlotte wrote a poetry book. Emily is considered one of the best poetesses in the world.
  • “Wuthering Heights”

    “Wuthering Heights”
    She wrote “Wuthering Heights”, her most famous book.
  • Death

    She died when she was 30 years old in Haworth because she had tuberculosis.