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  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    On September 1st Germany invades Poland using blitzkrieg tactics bombing the region trying to regain territory and by chance rule Poland with victory. Germany sent 1.5 million troops along with tanks and artillery quickly to overwhelm Poland's defense. Poland was unequipped and unready to fight. Although Poland was with 1 million men the speed and strength of the German army was astonishing.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    In sick weeks the Axis powers was able to defeat the allied powers in France with two operations both Case Yellow and Case red. They consisted of air attacks and armored vehicle attacks that over ran the resistance left in Belgium and then pushed the Allied powers into France surrounding them and defeating them. Forcing France to surrender was a huge deal in defeating Frances army, also Italy joined the Axis Powers during the Fall of Paris assisting Germany in taking France.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Was Nazi Germanys code name for their invasion on the Soviet Union to enslave many of their people and take land. Sending 3,000,000 soldiers along with 3,000 tanks they were still defeated creating a turning pint in the war having two fronts.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Battle of Pearl Harbor was a invasion on Pearl Harbor
    Hawaii coming from over the mountains and consisting of
    waves of bombing that killed/wounded over 3,000 people.
    This initiated Americas final push into the war declaring
    war on Japan and eventually declaring war on Germany.
  • Wannsee Confrence

    Wannsee Confrence
    A meeting of German officials in Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question." The officials discussed how they were to coordinate or implement the mass murder of millions of Jews as fast as possible. The plan was to kill 11,000,000 Jews through authorities including the elderly, disabled, and anyone that could not work. Not all Jews were killed yet millions died tragically .
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    When the U.S. surrendered the Bataan Peninsula on the island of Luzon to the Japanese 75,000 Filipino and American troops were forced to make a 65 mile march to prison camps. Since they were considered prisoners of war there was no mercy for the soldiers.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The Nazis bomb the city of Stalingrad which is inside of Russia only for the control of the city yet this creates one of the bloodiest battles in WWII. It ends in a victory for Russia as they defended there city against the axis powers.
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto uprising
    The Warsaw Ghetto uprising consists of a Jewish resistance that fought against the Nazis in German-occupied Poland. It ended in a small victory for the Jewish resistance and then to keep pushing forward.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah
    Also known as the Bombing of Hamburg was the bombing of 9,000 tons of British incendiary bombs. The bombing was unexpected and was at night killing 30,000 people and destroying 280,000 buildings throughout the raids. The bombings were because of the previous German raid in London that killed 167 British citizens, Hitler refused to visit the cities because it would give him a glance of a German loss.
  • D-Day

    Also known as the Normandy Landings it took place during Operation Overload as the Allied Powers stormed Normandy for a chance to take Northern France. It was heavily fortified and today is considered one of the most amphibious assaults in history. The invasion consisted of 156,000 Americans, Canadians and British that landed on five different beaches with a horrifying yet victorious result.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap
    A long discussion with the Commanders of the allied powers discussing whether or not they were to bomb the eastern most cities of Germany to interrupt infrastructure transport. It was also to show strength of the allied air force and how worn down the German air forces were at that point in the war. The result of the raid was canceled due to bad weather problems and wanted to keep a city to discuss terms when the war ended.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    Also called Victory over Europe Day was the Allied Powers victory over the Axis powers in Europe Germany and Italy to end the slaughtering. But one of the axis powers remained which was Japan. Hitler committed suicide before Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces becoming a very popular coward.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    Potsdam Declaration
    Where the terms created to diminish the Japanese army completely so there would not be another uprising or army created by the post axis powers. The Japanese signed these terms for their surrender and surrender all of their armed forces. Signed by The Big Three Stalin, Truman and Churchill.
  • Dropping the Atomic Bomb

    Dropping the Atomic Bomb
    The bomb dropping on August 6, 1945 on Hiroshima was meant to end the war as quickly as possible yet it was regretted almost as soon as the bomb was dropped. President Harry S. Truman made the decision to drop it rather than send in troops because of how many would die due to casualties. It sped up the ending of the war but it killed 170,000 Japanese citizens in Hiroshima.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    Also Known as Victory of Japan Day ending WWII because Japan was the last standing Axis power. Japan kept fighting although they were enormously out numbered and they were also unequipped to keep on fighting. They surrendered aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay and the Japanese navy and air force was destroyed.
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    WWII ended the same day as VJ Day one of the biggest victories America has ever had. America would be changed for ever from this victory creating pride through every American. Six years of war is along time filled with death, suffering, depression and many other factors but in the end if we hadn't won there could have been endless years of tragedy to come.