Emerging Nation

  • Political - Proclamation of Neutrality

    Political - Proclamation of Neutrality
    France wanted the support of America once they declared war on Britain, Spain, and the Netherlands in 1793. Washington did not want to get the United States involved in this foreign affair, so he made the Proclamation of Neutrality and decided to keep the United States neutral in the war.
  • Period: to

    The Emering Nation of the United States

  • Political - Alien and Sedition Acts

    Political - Alien and Sedition Acts
    Federalists had the most power in the government in 1789. This allowed for the Federalist president , John Adams, to create the Alien and Sedition Acts which helped silence domestic critics of the Federalists.
  • Political - Election of 1800

    Political - Election of 1800
    Jefferson won the election of 1800 against Adams, causing a short of revolution or a shift in power of political powers in America. The Democratic-Republicans peacefully took majority political popwer over the Federalists in this event.
  • Expansion - Louisiana Purchase

    Lousiana Territory was purchased from France for 15 million dollars. It doubled the size of the United States and gave land for Americans to immigrate to.
  • Expansion - Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Expansion - Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Lewis and Clark were sent by Jefferson to explore the newly purchased land. The tribes of the land and their culture and the environment was explored and recorded by Lewis and Clark. They also searched for a water route that would lead them to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Slavery - The Missouri Compromise

    Slavery - The Missouri Compromise
    Missouri state was made a slave state when added to the United States only because Maine was made a free state in the United States. A line was also created of where furute slave and free states would be.
  • Slavery - The Liberator

    Slavery - The Liberator
    William Lloyd Garrison started The Liberator on the first day of the year 1831. The newspaper became the mouthpiece for the abolitionist movement in the 1830s. It convinced many people to support the abolitionist movement and disapprove of slavery.
  • Expansion - Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty

    Expansion - Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty
    It ended the Mexican-American War over land disputes. The treaty made the United States pay 15 million dollars for the land. The land connected the United States to the other end of the continent.
  • Slavery - Compromise of 1850

    Slavery - Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was created to address the dispute of whether California should be annexed as a free or slave state.It allowed California to be added as a free state which ended up angered people of the southern slave states.