Emergence of Russia

  • Jan 28, 1237


    mongol warriors took over the land
  • Jan 28, 1300


    Russian princes beat the mongols
  • Period: Jan 28, 1300 to


    Russian Princes expanded the land
  • 1700

    Czars saw more expansion of land [Peter the Great, Catherine the Great]
  • 1812

    Russia was invaded by Napolean but the frnch coundnt survive the conditions
  • 1917

    People were unhappy with the Czars, had riots in cities, established communist governement.
  • 1940

    soviet Union added the Baltic States
  • Period: to

    cold war

    Cold War. Between the US and Soviet Union: no real fighting; an arms race
  • 1941

    Germans attacked the soviet union- germans was not successful
  • 1945

    Soviet troops control Germany's capital : Berlin
  • 1980

    New leader Gorbachev moves away from communism
  • 1991

    Soviet Union breaks up- Russia has its first presidental election: Boris Yltsin: president
  • 1999

    Vlamire putin becomes president
  • 800

    Slavic people fought the Vikings
  • Period: to Jan 28, 1200


    Russian princes ruled large area