Emaan STAAR 8

  • 1215

    magna carta

    it gave people more rights because it protected them from taxes
  • Jamestown

    The first English colony in America- settled for tobacco
  • Period: to

    Southern colonies formed

    ~ growing oats and grain (cash crops)
    ~ the first English colony in America
    ~ flat lands, fertile soil, shorter winters
    ~ Quakers
  • virginia house of burgess

    first form of representative government in america
  • mayflower complact

    first written contract, promise the pilgrims made to stick together
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    new england colonies

    long harsh winters,forests,rocky soils
    religious freedom
    puritans and pilgrims
  • fundemental orders of conecticut

    one of the first form of representative goverment
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    middle colonies

    flat lands,fertile soil,shorter winters
    religious freedom and economic
  • mercantilism

    The colonies provided raw materials for England, when they finished the product they sold it to the colonies.
    It upset colonists because they felt it violated their freedom.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian war

    french and native Americans VS great Britain.
    it made the colonies pay more taxes to great Britain because great Britain had more debt
  • proclamation line

    it separated the British colonies to the west and native Americans to the west of Appalachian mountains.
    it angered them because it didn't allow them to settle in the west.
  • stamp act

    it was a tax on any thing made of paper.
    to pay for the debt of the french and Indian war
  • stamp act congress

    it got together 9 out of the 13 colonies to protest the stamp act
  • boston massacre

    americans were protesting taxes and throwing things at the british soldiers which led to 5 colonists deaths.
    the first american death was crispus attucks
  • boston tea party

    it was a protest on the tea act.
    the sons of liberty were people who disguised themselves and threw tea into the harbor.
    their leader was samuel adams
  • intolerable acts

    it punished the colonists from protesting
  • first continental congress

    to discuss their grievances and to get together with great britain
  • battle of lexington & concord

    it was the first battle of the revolution
  • common sense

    it was pamphlets convincing people to become independent from great britain.
    written by thomas paine
  • Second continental congress

    George Washington, Ben Franklin, john Adams, and Thomas Jefferson
    declaration independence. it was written by Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams
  • winter of valley forge

    George Washington.
    They died due to freezing conditions and lack of supplies.
  • battle of saratoga

    the outcome is that Americans won they got involved so they can help the colonies
  • Battle of yorktown

    marquis de lafayette. he was from france
    it ended in british surrender which ended the revolutionary war
  • treaty of paris

    it ended the revolutionary war, gave the colonies independence,and set new boundaries
  • constitutional convention

    Hamilton, Madison,Adams,Franklin,Washington and Jefferson.
    Thomas Jefferson
  • 3/5 compromise

    for every 5 slaves only 3 count . so every slave counts as a 3/5 person
  • the great compromise

    1 house legislature, each state is going to have equal representation
    2 houses legislature, representatives based on state population
    every slave counts for a 3/5 of a person
  • federalist papers

    Alexander Hamilton, James Madison
    in favor of ratification
  • anti federalist papers

    Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry,
    they were against ratifying the constitution
    they thought the constitution didn't give the states enough rights
  • Period: to

    George Washington presidency

    he set up the presidential cabinet or advisers
  • whiskey's rebellion

    a protest to the first tax that was placed after the constitution was written
    president George Washington and his military shut it down
  • pinckney's treaty

    a treaty signed with Spain to allow the US to trade in new orleans
  • Washington's farewell address

    stay neutral with foreign affairs
    avoid political parties
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    john adams presidency

    first president to claim a political party he was a leader of the federalist party(strong government) allowed the central government to imprison you if you were from a foreign country
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    Thomas Jefferson's presidency

    he was the leader of the democratic-republican party(states rights) barbary pirates, this was the first official war the US was involved in and was the first time they had their own war
  • Louisiana purchase

    this doubled the size of the US
  • madbury vs madison

    set up judicial review