Elyssa Sobel-Timeline Project

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    The 18th Amendment: Prohibition

    The 18th Amendment passed prohibition, which outlawed the distribution, transportation, and creation of alcoholic beverages. This amendment was repealed with the passing of the 21st Amendment.
  • The 19th Amendment

    The 19th Amendment was passed on August 18, 1920. This granted women suffrage.
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    Harding Presidency

    Warren G. Harding was the 29th president of the United States. He served from 1921 to 1923, when he was assassinated.
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    Quota System

    The Emergency Quota System was an act that restricted immigration. This act was amended when the Immigration Act of 1924 was passed on May 26th, 1924.
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    Coolidge Presidency

    Calvin Coolidge was the 30th president. He took over after Harding died, as he had been vice president at the time.
  • Completion of Route 66

    The construction of Route 66 was finished on this day. This route was used by many people traveling west, especially when the Dust Bowl was occurring in the 1930s.
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    Hoover Presidency

    Hoover was the 31st president of the United States. He was not well-liked and was president for only one term.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday was the day that the stock market crashed. This event had a devastating effect on many people and the Great Depression began soon after.
  • The Bonus Army

    The Bonus Army was the name given to a large group of assembled veterans in 1932. These veterans had returned from the war and gotten checks that they could not cash until 1945. The veterans wanted the money right then, so they assembled. On July 28, 1932, they were tear-gassed and shot at when they did not leave.
  • Hitler takes over power in Germany

    Hitler became the chancellor of Germany on January 30th, 1933.
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    FDR Presidency

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the 32nd president. He served nearly four full terms as president.
  • First Fireside Chat

    FDR broadcasted the first on his many fireside chats on March 12th of 1933.
  • The 21st Amendment

    The 21st Amendment was passed to repeal the 18th Amendment.