Bornemann bio 2

Elsa Bornemann

  • birth

    She born in Parque de los Patricios neighborhood, in Buenos Aires
  • Her parents

    Her parents
    Daughter of Blanca Nieves Fernández, an Argentine descendant of Portuguese and Spanish, and Wilhelm Karl Henri Bornemann, a German, a watchmaker by profession
  • Her books

    Her books
    She was one of the most outstanding Argentine writers for children and young people. She began publishing books for them in the 70s and her books are still famous.
  • A la luna en punto

    A la luna en punto
    A book to read and sing, songs and poetry, to write and draw dreams and enjoy texts
  • Konex Platinum Award

    This award was one of the 25 awards that she won. This award was for all her literary work, to be chosen as "the most relevant writer in the last decade", period 1994-2004, Konex Foundation, Buenos Aires.
  • Died

    She died in Buenos Aires