Elon Musk

By zr8
  • Birth

    Elon Musk was born June 28, 1971.
  • Parents divorce

    Parents divorce
    In 1980 his parents divorced and he chose to spend most of his time with his father.
  • Leaves South Africa

    Leaves South Africa
    After obtaining his Canadian passport, Musk left South Africa.
  • Period: to


    He went to the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, Queens University, and University of Pretoria.
  • Founded PayPal

    Founded PayPal
    Elon Musk cofounded PayPal.
  • Marry's Justine Wilson

    Marry's Justine Wilson
    Musk marry's Justine Wilson
  • Founded SpaceX

    Founded SpaceX
    Elon Musk founds SpaceX with the goal of interplanetary travel.
  • Falcon 1 Launch

    Falcon 1 Launch
    Falcon 1 minimized price per launch for low-Earth-orbit satellites, increase reliability, and optimize flight environment and time to launch.
  • Dragon First Launch

    Dragon First Launch
    This rocket carried cargo to the ISS.
  • Hyperloop

    In 2013 Musk started work on the hyperloop, which is a new method of transportation.
  • Founded The Boring Company

    Founded The Boring Company
    Elon Musk founded The Boring Company.
  • Falcon 9 Launch

    Falcon 9 Launch
    Falcon 9 is the only U.S. rocket certified for transporting humans to the ISS.
  • Axiom Mission 1

    Axiom Mission 1
    First all civilian crew to dock with the ISS
  • Elon Musk becomes the richest man

    Elon Musk becomes the richest man
    Elon Musk surpasses Jeff Bezos to become the worlds richest man.
  • Purchase Twitter

    Purchase Twitter
    On this day Elon Musk bought the company Twitter.