Elon Musk

  • Birth

    Elon was born to an engineer father and a model mother in south america
  • Moves to Canada

    Moves to Canada
    He moved to Canada
  • Starts college in Ontario

    Starts college in Ontario
    Elon started working towards his physics degree
  • Graduates

    Elon graduated college and got decrees in physics and economics
  • ZIp2

    Starts the website Zip2 with his brother Kimbal Musk. He coded the site at night on the same computer that hosted it in the day time.

    He got his first investment money in zip 2 ($3 mill)
  • Receives $22 million in sale of ZIp2

    Receives $22 million in sale of ZIp2
  • X.com

    Elon starts the first online banking site with his own money
  • Merger

    X.com Merges with Confinity forming Pay-Pal
  • Marriage

    Elon married his college Girlfriend Justine
  • Ousted as CEO of paypal while on honeymoon

    Ousted as CEO of paypal while on honeymoon
  • Rockets

    Elon starts looking into doing a small philanthropic mars mission to reinvigorate like public's interest in space. He goes to Russia to look into buying rockets
  • Failure to buy intercontinental missiles

    He fails to get the rockets but on the plane ride home he realizes he could make rockets cheaper and better, revolutionizing the space industry.
  • First sons birth

    Elon has his first kid named Nevada Alexander

    Elon starts Space X, a rocket company, with his own money
  • Son dies

    Elons son dies from sudden infant death syndrome.

    Elon gets $180 Million (after tax) in sale of pay-pal
  • Electric cars

    Elon meets JB Staubel, an electric car enthusiast
  • Tesla

    Creates TESLA motors to make electric cars
  • Twin sons born though IVF

  • Rocket failure

    Elon's first ever rocket takes of and explodes in mid air
  • Wins NASA Contract

    To demo delivery to ISS and make Falcon-9 rocket
  • Becomes the first investor in his cousins company solar city

  • Triplet sons are born

  • 2nd rocket fails

  • First TESLA customers get their roadsters

    at price of 109,000
  • Divorces wife

  • 3rd launch fails

    Destroying 4 satellites aboard including NASA's
  • SpaceX and Tesla Both running out of cash

  • 4th Rocket succeds


    Elon wins NASA contract for 12 flights for 1.6 billion. Elon Cries realizing SpaceX barely escaped bankruptcy
  • Hours before Tesla would have gone bankrupt Elon raises funding

  • Unveils First Tesla Model S

  • Tesla goes public

    starting at $17 per a share going up to $24 by the end of the day
  • Marries Talulah Riley

  • Buys car factory for cheap from Toyotas failed joint venture

  • Promises to send humans to mars by 2021-2031

  • Announces reusable rockets

    to make spaceflight 100 times cheaper
  • Tesla Unveils model X (SUV)

  • Divorces Riley

  • SpaceX Dragon spacecraft docks with space station

  • Tesla starts shipping Model S

    for $75,000
  • SpaceX starts trying to land a dummy rocket from small altitude

  • Tesla launches supercharger network for long distance driving

  • Soft land orbital class rocket on water

  • Marries Riley again

  • Publishes the design of Hyperloop High-speed rail

    He had too much time on his plate to tackle this by himself
  • Soft land orbital Rocket on Ship in ocean

  • Starts construction on GigaFactory to mass produce batteries

  • Tesla unveils Powerwall

  • Rocket failure

    First failure after 19 successful ones. Cause was found and fixed. (Only happened due to the rate at which they were fueling it)
  • First Customers get their Model X's

  • Challenged by Jeff Bezos who landed a Suborbital class rocket

    (A much smaller feet to the educated eye)
  • First successful landing of Orbital class rocket