Ellis island

  • Property of the government

    Property of the government
    In 1808 the island became the property of the US government
  • The first immigrant

    The first immigrant
    The first immigrant was annie more a 15 years-old irish girl
  • Period: to

    Immigrant station

    Between 1892 and 1954 ellis Island Was the busiest immigration station in the united state
  • Escape of war

    Escape of war
    People escaping from political and economic oppression in Russia and eastern europe and italians escaping poverty in their country but also hungarians,poles,czechs,serbs,greeks,turks,arabs and armenians
  • Close the immigration inspection port at ellis island

    Close the immigration inspection port at ellis island
    In 1954 the us governament finally closed down the immigration inspection port at ellis island
  • Opened a port For Tours

    Opened a port For Tours
    In 1976 after two decades of discuse, it opened up For Tours in 1976
  • Today

    Today in 2024 Is a turistic port and a famous city For tourism