Ellen's Birth
Born in Dunstable,Mass. Daughter of peter and fanny G. Swallow. -
Moved to West ford,Mass
She attended west ford Academy for 2 years -
Moves to Littleton,Mass
Ellen Begins her first teaching job
Ellen moves away from home to teach in Worcester, Mass
Returns home
For two years of "purgatory" -
Enters Vassar College
Graduated Vassar College
Got her Bachelors of Science -
First female student to attend MIT
She was considered a special student. -
Ellen's Father died
Begins to work on water testing
with Professor Nichols -
Earned her 2nd Bachelor Degree in Chemestry -
Ellen teaches science to women
GIrls' High School of Boston -
Ellen was proposed to
By professor Robert Richards -
Ellen Marries Professor Richards
The Richards move in their home
on Eliot st. Jamaica Plain -
Woman's Laboratory is opened in November
Ellen teaches Correspondence Science courses throughout North America -
Head of the Science section of the society to encourage studies at home.
Ellen and her students conduct a study on adulteration of foods
leads to the nation's first food and Drugs Act -
Ellen was founder( with others) of the Association of collegiate Alumnae
Later called American Association of University Women -
The chemistry of cooking and cleaning
Food materials and their adulterations
New England Kitchen opened in Boston
It was guided by Richards, offering working classes families nutrious food, scientifacally prepared at low cost. -
Richards helped Mary M.K Kehew organize a school of housekeeping
It was in the woman's Educational and idustrial union that was later taken over by Simmons college. -
Called a Summer Conference of workers in the fledging field of domestic science
This conference was held for the next few years to establish standards , course outlines,bibliographies and womens club study guides for the field -
Lake placid conferees formed the American Home Economics Association
Richards was elected first President -
Ellen retired from being the association's president and established the association's journal of Home Economics
Named council of the National Education Association
she was primarly responsible for overseeing the teaching of home economics in public schools. -
Ellen died because of a heart disese