Ellen’s mom comes home from the hospital
Ellen's mom comes home after being in the hospital due to her Rhuematic Cancer. Ellen's dad ,who is an alchoholic, is sitting in the house and doesn't care about his wife, and all he wants is his dinner. -
Ellen’s mom takes the pills that her dad watched her take and does nothing about it.
After eating dinner, Ellen's dad, Bill, watches his wife swallow many pills and says for Ellen to put her to bed, she'll be fine in the morning. And if you go anywhere or get help I will kill you. As he holds a knife in his hand. Ellen gets her mom to bed. -
Ellen’s mom dies
After Ellen's mom swallows the pills and dad says to take her to bed, she changes her and gets her ready. In her sleep she quietly dies. -
Ellen’s teacher finds out about her dad abusing her
At school, Ellen's art teacher sees Ellen's bruise and Ellen explains that her dad did it. -
Ellen goes to Roy and Julie’s house
Ellen moves in with her art teacher, Julie and her husband Roy. -
Court gives Ellen's grandma custody over Ellen.
Ellen has been with a non-relative family long enough and the court has decided to give Ellen to a blood-line relative, her grandma. -
Grandma makes Ellen work as a fieldworker out of hatred for Ellen
Since Ellen's grandma hates her so much, she makes her work like a slave does, she doesn't look or communicate with her. -
Ellen’s dad dies
Ellen's dad dies and she doesn't go to his funeral, because her grandma hated him. She doesn't even tell Ellen her dad is dead. She finds out from a friend that comes by the house to give her the flag, for her dad was a veterean. -
Grandma gets sick and dies
Ellen tried to heal her grandma, she fired the doctor, for she trusted that Ellen would make her better. She also fired all the slaves, because she thought they were all stealing. -
Goes to Aunt Nadine and Cousin Dora’s house
After Ellen's grandma dies, she is put into her Aunt's house. She, too, hates Ellen. -
Gets in trouble at Aunt Nadine's house and walks out
After putting up with Nadine and Dora for months, she finally lets all her anger and patience with them out. She packs up and leaves to go find the Foster home. -
Ellen goes to foster home and asks to stay
After a lot of walking, Ellen arrives at the foster home. She asks if she can stay and that she is in a very bad sitution and needs a house to stay in. The foster mom explains that it needs to be taken to court so that she can have full custody of Ellen. -
Is allowed to stay with foster family
Ellen has been allowed to stay with the Fosters and is haveing more fun than she has ever imagined. She is not self-reliant and has a supportive, nice, kind, loving mom to take carr of her. -
Invites Scarletta over to patch up their friendship
After Elllen has stayed with the Fosters for a while, she invites scarletta over to keep their friendship and tell her how happy she is to have a friend like her, no matter the color.