Compromise of 1850
California wanted to become a free state. The Fugitive Slave Act was amended and slave trade in Washington was abolished. California entered the Union as a free state. -
Publishing of Uncle Tom´s cabin
Uncle Tom´s Cabin was a book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was about slavery. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
This event established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. -
Brooks/Summer affair
Brooks did not like Summer´s speach so he went to him and beat him with his cane till it broke. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott sued his owner because his wife had lived in a free state and he believed they should be free. The court ruled that slaves had no rights. -
John Brown´s Raid
John Brown and 21 other men went to go attack a federal arsenal in hopes of giving the weapons to slaves to rebel, but instead half his men were killed then he was ordered to be hanged. -
Election of 1860
It was an electoin based on the problem dealing with the expansion of slavery. Lincoln won the election. -
Bleeding Kansas
John Brown Blieved that God wanted him to end slavery so he kidnapped and killed 5 men. The area of kansas where this occoured became Bleeding Kansas.