Brothers Death
When Elizabeth was 11 years old, her brother died. Since her borther was no longer around to help her father she took up all the things he did incuding getting a education. Which at that time mostt girl/women didn't have. -
From Cady to Stanton
When Elizabeth was 25 years old she got married to Henery Brewster Stanton. She did this against her fathers wishes. By this time she had already gone to and graduated from two different schools/academes. -
Stanton and Anthony take 1854 by storm
Stanton and Anthony lead the Women's Temperance Society. They began the women's right campaign. They went to New York to try to get the Married Women's Property law of 1848 expanded. -
The big inpact
Stanton and her husband moved from Boston (best place ever) to Seneca Falls. Stanton noticed how unegiccated the women there were. So she stasrted trying to change womens roles in society. -
First Covention
Stanton held her first women's rights convention. Even though only four women came she still wrote and presented their declaration of rights. This stated giving women rights like voting, being able to hold office and much more. -
Susan B Anthony
Elizabeth met Susan B. Anthoy. She didn't just make a new friend that day she but found someone that wanted women rights just as much as she did. She found a partner to help her in the fight for womens rights. -
Stanton talks to legislature
Stanton spoke to the legislature about womens rights. The legislature liked what she had said and expanded the Married Women's Property law of 1848. Which ended up giving women even more rights. -
All women should be voters
Elizabeth and Susan decided not only white women should get rights but also to black. So they established American Equal Rights Association. Which was assoctatiion that was trying to also get black women the right to vote. -
NWSA's letter
Stanton wrote and submited the NWSA's (National Women's Suffrage Association) letter. She sent it to the US Senate. It was talked about for 40 years after they got it at every meeting that Congress had. -
What Elizabeth Cady Santon did after women got the rights
Elizabeth wrote and published the first Women Bible. Which had corrected all the demeaning passages. The book was a immediate best seller. Even though the book was a best seller and promoted women being just as equal as men the NAWSA (National American Women's Sufferage Association) didn't like it. They didn't like it so much the new learder of the NAWSA rejected the book and voted to censure Elizabeth.