Elizabeth blackwell

Elizabeth Blackwell

  • Birth

    Elizabeth Blackwell is born in Bristol,England
  • Moving

    The Blackwells move to America.Due to Samuel Blackwell's urge to stop slavery. These abolitionist roots would let Elizabeth help train nurses during the Civil War.
  • Acceptance

    Elizabeth Blackwell was accepted into Geneva Medical College. Her fellow students were asked if they should let her into the college or not they answered yes. They believed that it was a joke played on them by the admissions office.
  • Graduation

    Elizabeth Blackwell graduates first in her class from Geneva Medical School. She is now the first women doctor.
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    After receiving her medical degree, Elizabeth went to study with practices in England and France. She had to give up her dream of being a surgeon because she was now fully blind in one of her eyes.
  • Lectures

    Elizabeth Blackwell wrote lectures on women and all health in general.
  • Establishment

    Elizabeth Blackwell set up her own dispensary in a one room apartment. She did this because other hospitals rejected her because she was a woman. She set this up with her sister who also pursued a career in medicine. Her little infirmary grew large and was now known as New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children.
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    Throughout the whole Civil War, Elizabeth helped train army nurses.
  • Women's College

    Elizabeth's infirmary grew large and soon they would add a women's college for medicine inside of it.
  • Publish

    Elizabeth Blackwell's book Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession. Where she confesses when she was young the human body disgusted her,so she became a teacher.
  • Death

    Elizabeth Blackwell died in Hastings.