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Elisabeth Haywood

  • Elizabeth is born in England

    Elizabeth is born in England
  • Elisabeth is caught for stealing a bonnet and a dress-7 shillings

    Elisabeth is caught for stealing a bonnet and a dress-7 shillings
  • Elisabeth was tried at the old Bailey

    Elisabeth was tried at the old Bailey
  • Elisabeth is transported on the Lady Penrhyn at the age of 14 to NWS

    Elisabeth is transported on the Lady Penrhyn at the age of 14 to NWS
  • Elisabeth reached NWS

    Elisabeth reached NWS
  • Elisabeth receives 30 lashes for insolence-at NSW

    Elisabeth receives 30 lashes for insolence-at NSW
  • Elisabeth is listed as a servant

    Elisabeth is listed as a servant
  • Elisabeth had her first child and named her Elisabeth

    Elisabeth had her first child and named her Elisabeth
  • Elisabeth had her second child and named him Robert

    Elisabeth had her second child and  named him Robert
  • Elisabeth had her third child and named her Margaret

    Elisabeth had her third child and named her Margaret
  • After a while Elisabeth had her fourth child and named him George

    After a while Elisabeth had her fourth child and named him George
  • Elisabeth got married to John Baldwin

    Elisabeth got married to John Baldwin
  • Elisabeth died at the age of 63

    Elisabeth died at the age of 63