The day I Was Born
I was born on August 10, 2000 at Princeton hospital at 3:00 PM -
My First day of school
I remember on my first day of kindergarten I was so scared, so I made my dad stay with me all day. -
soccer is life
This was me at five years old on my first soccer team -
My Parents divorced
summer of 2009, my parents took my three siblings and I to our good families friend BBQ the brought us home after having a fun day to tell us they have been divorced for a year... -
First day at Foundation Academy
On my first day I had to sit on the ground of the hot commons in the middle of August and i had to sit in SLANT to earn my seat. -
my mom met her biological family
This is a picture of my mom, my nana, her sister and brother and my cousins. -
sisters graduation
This is my sister and my dad on her graduation, I was so proud! -
This was the last Christmas my whole family spent together, this is my mom, Dad, and Grandma -
my 15th birthday
My two friends and I went to New York City and stayed the weekend there. -
My mom got remarried
This was her wedding, i was so happy for her!