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Eli life

  • My birth

    My birth
    In janurary 7, 2005 I was born in downtown Detroit MI. Everybody thought I was so cute.When I was born I almost killed my mom.
  • My first shot

    My first shot
    The day after I was born I got my first shot.It was painful when I got it.After I got it I was crying.
  • Me meeting my brothers

    Me meeting my brothers
    When I was born my brothers came to the Hospiltal. They thought I was cute. Though we don't agree on everything
  • My first dog

    My first dog
    When I was little my parents got a dog named Chili. I used to play with her alot.Unfornatully we gave her to another family in 2009.
  • My toe gets broken

    My toe gets broken
    When I got watched by my grandmother I fell down a chair and broke my toe.When my mom and dad got home I went to the emergency room.My grandmother never watched me again that whole year after that.
  • Singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

    Singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
    I sung Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in front of a crowd at my moms proformance at Downtown Detroit.I was super scared.Everyone clapped when I was finished.
  • My first trip to flordia

    My first trip to flordia
    In 2008 I went to flordia.When I got there I visited my grandfather.It was so fun.
  • My first video game

    My first video game
    In 2008 I got my first video game. I would always get up at 6:00 to play it. It was called Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga it was a good game.
  • My baby sister is born

    My baby sister is born
    My baby sister was born on June 25, 2010 in Detroit MI.She was the only one who did not almost kill my mom.She was cute when she came.
  • Going to Disneyworld

    Going to Disneyworld
    In Augest I went to Disney World. It was beutiful there were fireworks, and all the disney characters.I am going again this year.