Staff Development- Tech Integration - Big 6
Tosa Elementary Teachers -
Hiring new Library Assistants
New this year:
Lindsey Kresge - McKinley and Lincoln
Monica Fischer - Roosevelt and Underwood
Addie Roberts - Washington and Wilson -
Staff Development - Smart Notebook
Period: to
Staff Development - Tech Tuesday
Staff Development - Science Resources
Collaboration - Voki and other web 2.0
Underwood - 5th Grade -
Staff Development - Google for students at Washington
Staff Development - Google Sites
Wilson -
Staff Development - Google
Wilson -
Period: to
Staff Development - Chromebooks Training
Prezi Collaboration
Lincoln - 5th grade -
Period: to
Staff Development - Google Course
All levels K- 12 -
Staff Development - Tech Integration
McKinley -
Collaboration - Glogster
Lincoln - 5th Grade -
Period: to
Software Conversion for Library
Staff Development - Google Docs
at Washington -
Period: to
Staff Development - Google
Period: to
Staff Development - ipads
Period: to
Staff Development - Smart Notebook
Period: to
Training New Library Software
Period: to
Staff Development - Google and Chromebooks