Electronics Timeline

  • Period: to

    2000's Decade

  • Original Xbox Releases

    Original Xbox Releases
    Microsoft Releases The Xbox Console. This is the first console Microsoft releases and Is the first of many consoles they will put out over the next two decades
  • Android is created

    Android is created
    Android is created and founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White. They created the blueprint for new smartphones and were bought by google for 50 million dollars.
  • Facebook Releases

    Facebook Releases
    Mark Zuckerberg releases Facebook to the public on February 4th 2004. It is one of the first major social network sites that explodes in popularity amassing over 350 million people by the end of the decade.
  • Blue-Ray Disks released world-wide

    Blue-Ray Disks released world-wide
    The first Blue-ray Disks were released world wide on June 20th 2006 . A group of companies called Blue-Ray Disk Association are often credited with the invention
  • 1st Iphone Releases

    1st Iphone Releases
    The first iPhone is released on January 9th, 2007. Its the first phone of many to be released by Apple