I was born on June 4th 2003 -
2 years old
My one of favorite cousin was born Katie -
1 year old
My mom had my little brother Dominic -
3 years old
2006 - 2007
My little sister was born Elena -
4 years old
I broke my arm trying to get chips on the counter -
I made my first friend named Jordan -
First Grade
I got a new cat named Simba -
Second Grade
I found out about my favorite TV show Law and Order SVU -
Third Grade
I learned that I was double jointed -
Fourth Grade
I figured out that I could cook first I cooked were cookies -
Fifth Grade
I won my first spelling bee it was boys and against girls -
Sixth Grade
I learned that my back is quite flexible -
Seventh Grade
My first time at a Middle School -
Eighth Grade
I learned that I love baseball and I am a great pitcher