
  • Franklin Stove

  • Electricity discovered

    Electricity discovered
  • Benjamin Franklin makes a negative and positive charge battery

  • He created the lightning rod

    He created the lightning rod
  • Alessandro Volta invents the electric battery

  • Georg Simon Ohm made the Ohms Law.

    Georg Simon Ohm determined that the current that flows through a wire is proportional to its cross sectional area and inversely proportional to its length or Ohms Law.
  • Michael Faraday experiments with maganitization

  • The First Light Bulb Was Created

  • Charle F. Bush made the Arc Lamp

  • Thomas Alva Edison invented the lightbulb

  • Louis Latimer created the first incandescent light bulb

    Louis Latimer and fellow inventor Joseph V. Nichols received a patent for their invention of the first incandescent light bulb with carbon filament. Prior to this breakthrough, filaments had been made from paper.
  • The first lightbulb was created by an unknow person

    The first ligthbulb has multiple persons claiming to have created it, but we still do not know the original man that created it.