Screen shot 2019 02 19 at 8.24.03 am


By wcw1351
  • Francis Haugbey created the neon light

    Francis Haugbey created the neon light
  • Thomas Edison built electric generator

    Thomas Edison built electric generator
  • Benjamin Franklin had the idea of electricity

    Benjamin Franklin had the idea of electricity
  • Russian engineer built an electric lamp

    Russian engineer built an electric lamp
  • Alexander Bell invented the telephone

    Alexander Bell invented the telephone
  • Benjamin Franklin creates Electricity

    Benjamin Franklin creates Electricity
  • Electricity was used

    Electricity was used
  • Magnus Volks built first Electric railway

    Magnus Volks built first Electric railway
  • The first men were hired to fix telephone poles and cables

    The first men were hired to fix telephone poles and cables
  • The first Electricians were hired to assist people with problems

    The first Electricians were hired to assist people with problems
  • Samsung was founded

    Samsung was founded
  • First Electric company came out

    First Electric company came out
  • Apple was founded

    Apple was founded
  • Eletricians became widespread across the world

    Eletricians became widespread across the world
  • People started working on wireless phones

    People started working on wireless phones