Electric light bulb

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    Who Invented the Electric Lightbulb?

    A inventor named Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison had help from a team of researchers in Menlo Park, N.J. Thomas Edison and the group that he was working with tested over 3,000. Joseph Swan and Hiram Maxim also helped invent the electric lightbulb.
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    What was the Light Bulb used for?

    The light bulb was built by Thomas Edison.This invention was built in 1879 and was filled with a patent for an electric lamp with a carbon filament.Edison had help from a team of researchers in Menlo Park, N.J. they tested over 3,000 types of light bulbs.
  • Electric light bulb

    Electric light bulb
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    How did this invention change history?

    This invention changed history by providing light in dark places. Also it lead to better brighter lights, portable lights, lights on cars, lights on planes and much more.The light bulb got improved by many people to make it better and last longer.
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    How did the Light Bulb Lead to Other Inventions?

    The light bulb led to other inventions like the LED light that is a different color and lasts longer. The light bulb led to the invention to make photographs improve. It also led more inventors to improve the light bulb and make it better in many ways.