Eleanor Roosevelt Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Tghis is the day that Eleanor Roosevelt was born
  • Death of parents

    Eleanor's parents passed away
  • Marriage

    Eleanor marries Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who later becomes president of the United States
  • child born

    her first child is born
  • second child born

  • 3rd child

    Franklin Jr, who dies shortly afterward
  • World War I

  • FDR polio

    Franklin becomes paralized from Polio
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
  • FDR becomes president

    Franklin Roosevelt becomes president, Eleanor becomes the first lady of the United States
  • World War II

  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, US enters into the war
  • FDr passes away

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt dies while convalescing in Warm Springs, Georgi
  • Eleanor elected as UN Human Rights Commision

    Eleanor is elected as head of the United Nations Human Rights Commission; She begins to draft the Declaration of Human Rights; She initiates the creation of Americans for Democratic Action, a group which focuses on domestic social reform and resistance against Russia and the developing Cold War.
  • Death

    Eleanor passes away with tuberculosis