Eleanor of Aquataine

  • Sep 16, 1122


    This was When Eleanor of Aquataine was born in France
  • Mar 27, 1137


    Eleanor gets her inheritance from her father when he dies
  • Aug 17, 1137

    Conscort of France

    This was when Eleanor became the queen conscort of France
  • Oct 30, 1147

    2nd Crusade

    She accompanied her husband to Jerusalem and Constantinople
  • Mar 11, 1152

    first annulment

    tthis was when Eleanor got her first annulment
  • May 18, 1152

    2nd Marriage

    This was when Eleanor and Henry Plantagement got married
  • Mar 26, 1154

    Conscort of England

    Eleanor became Conscort of England
  • Oct 27, 1154


    Rlranore became the Queen of the english people
  • Feb 1, 1173


    Eleanor started siding with her sons and helped them revoke against her husband, their father
  • Period: Mar 31, 1173 to Apr 18, 1189

    Jail Time

    Eleanor got imprisned for helping her eldest son Richard the 1st over thrown her husband
  • Jul 6, 1189


    She got widdowed on this date
  • Apr 1, 1204


    she died at her favorite religious house, the abbey of Fontevrault, where she had retreated to find peace during various moments of her life.