Elaine's Reconstruction timeline

By elaperk
  • Period: to


  • Lincoln announces ten percent plan

    Lincoln announces ten percent plan
    The Ten Percent Plan stated that a state could be admitted back to the Union if ten percent of the states voters swore allegiance to the union and also agreed to the end of slavery.
  • Lincoln Relection

    Lincoln Relection
  • Lincoln vetoes Wade Davis bill

    Lincoln vetoes Wade Davis bill
    The Wade Davis bill was proposed by Radical Republicans. The bill required all states to accept the end of slavery and let all black men have the right to vote.
  • 13th Amendment approved and ratified by congress

    13th Amendment approved and ratified by congress
    The 13th Amendment states that african americans are no longer slaves and could no longer be owned or sold as property. They also could not be seperated from their families.
  • Congress creates Freedmens Bureau

    Congress creates Freedmens Bureau
    The freedmen bureau was created to aid freedmen in the transition between slavery to freedom in the south.
  • Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House- Civil War ends

    Lee surrenders at Appomattox Court House- Civil War ends
  • Lincoln Assasinated, Jhonson becomes president

    Lincoln Assasinated, Jhonson becomes president
  • Mississippi Enacts First Black Code

    Mississippi Enacts First Black Code
    Black codes were laws that made blacks second-class citizens. The codes denied them from rights to vote and many rights white citizend held.
  • Jhonson declares reconstruction complete

    Jhonson declares reconstruction complete
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    Radical Republicans were republicans who wanted blacks to have the same rights as white people and felt very strongly about it. Radical Republicans endangered reconstruction becuase they wanted drastic changes so quickly and they were willing to do violent events to get their way.
  • The Reconstruction Acts

    The Reconstruction Acts
    The first reconstruction act divided the south into five military sections, the army commander was in command of the district.
  • Jhonson Impeached

    Jhonson Impeached
    Jhonson was impeached after he fired Stanton to stop reconstruction and planned to hire someonelese who wouldn't enfore the law.
  • 14th Amedendment ratified

    14th Amedendment ratified
    The 14th amendment grants citizenship to all people born in or naturalized in the United States, this grants citizenship to freed slaves.
  • Ulysesses S Grant elected

    Ulysesses S Grant elected
    Grant had very liitle experience when he went into office and he was also very young for a president at that time. He brought in many scandolus people and relationships into the white house. He helped the the national parks systemn and pushed for the ratification of the fiftienth amendment.
  • Sharecropping

    Sharecropping is were the landowner allows someonelse to have/use the land in return the land owner gets a portion of the crops or profit made form the crops.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    15th Amendment Ratified
    The 15th Amerndment gives male blacks the right to vote.
  • Enforcement Acts

    Enforcement Acts
    The enforcemnt acts were three bills passed by the United States, These three bills served to protect diffrent African Americans rights. Like the right to vote, serve on juries, etc.
  • Amnesty Act of 1872

    Amnesty Act of 1872
    The Amnesty Act of 1782 removed voting and office holding restructions on most former mebers of the confederacy.
  • Freedmens Bureau Terminated

    Freedmens Bureau Terminated
  • Lame-duck Congress passes Civil Rights Act

    Lame-duck Congress passes Civil Rights Act
  • Disputed Election

    Disputed Election
  • Hayes declared president; Reconstruction ends

    Hayes declared president; Reconstruction ends
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    The comprimise of 1870 was an informal deal that put an end to the very disputed election and pulled troops out of the south. This ended the reconstruction era.