ELA webquest

  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    HItler wanted to be a painter from a young age but was kicked out of high school so he started to reform the Nazi party. He was arrested and wrote a book which helped a gained support, finally he invaded Poland and started WW2.
  • Communism

    Communism is the thought that everyone should be treated and payed equally. Hitler was opposed to that idea because he didn't think Jews were worth anything and he wanted to keep power.
  • Holocaust history

    The term Holocaust is referred to the destruction of life through burning. Nazi Germany caused a Holocaust when Adolf Hitler order Germans to burn Jews in concentration camps.
  • Ghettos

    There were 1,143 total Ghettos that contained Jews. Some Ghettos revolted against Germans. Germans contained the Jews in these Ghettos to hold them before being transferred to camps.
  • Period: to

    The holocaust

  • Nazi Camps

    There were more than 44,000 concentration camps that held Jews. There were labor and execution camps. There were a couple survivors that outlasted Labor camps and were freed. The Labor camps used Jews to mine coal and other activities for no pay.
  • Book Burning in Nazi Germany

    In Nazi Germany, Nazis burnt books that contained "Ungerman" ideas. They only believed in the Nazi way and they targeted authors like Thomas Mann and Jack London.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    The Nuremberg Race Laws were used to take away the rights of German Jews. They were used to make them not seem like a normal person that was treated how they were supposed to.
  • Jessie Owens

    Was a American who competed in the summer olympics setting records and getting gold medals over German participants and helped to show America was powerful.
  • Kristallnacht

    A coordinated attack on Jews from Nazi Germany on November 9th, 1938.