Ela 9 honors project

  • missouri Comprmise

    missouri Comprmise
    the missouri Comprmise was a agreement in the U.S.government
    about what to do with the land from the loisiana puchase. Will it
    be a slave or free state?
  • Dred scott Decision

    Dred scott Decision
    in 1857 the decision to deny any black slave or not cannot be a citizen.
  • John Brown Raid

    John Brown Raid
    the john brown raid was a effort to slove slavery the goal was to raid the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry then have slaves rebel
  • Reconstructional period

    Reconstructional period
    1861 was the start of the reconstructional period. The time when U.S. was recovering from the civil war and recovering relations with confederate states.
  • the Emancipation Proclomation

    the Emancipation Proclomation
    It freed all the slaves in the U.S. this angered the south during the civil war.
  • End of the civil war

    End of the civil war
    with general Lee gone and johnston surendered to sherman the south was crumpled then General Edmund Kirby Smith surrendered. The war was over.
  • Advent of Jim Crow Laws

    Advent of Jim Crow Laws
    A set of laws and practices that are stricktly discriminating. These laws made racial segrigation legal.
  • Plessy vs. Fergason

    Plessy vs. Fergason
    the Plessy vs. Fergason was a supreme court case over racial segrigation that ruled in favor of neither sides it ruled that blacks and white can be "separate but equal"
  • world war 1 Begining

    world war 1 Begining
    WWI caused the most destruction out of the wars up to its time. It started because of Germanys conquest for power.
  • end of WWI

    end of WWI
    Ally nations gathered in Paris to create a peace treaty with germany and its allies that officialy ended the war
  • The begining of the great depression

    The begining of the great depression
    At the high of a economic boom many people began to withdrawn their invetsments raipidly fearing the boom would soon end values of stocks dropped many buisnesses and people lost everything. Buisnesses closed and everything began to fall.
  • the Dust Bowl

    the Dust Bowl
    The dust bowl started during the great depression. The constant planting of wheat and not roating crops led to dust being thrown in the air from the loose dirt and the wind created dust storms everything was covered in dust.
  • FDR's inaugural speech

    FDR's inaugural speech
    he became president in the height of the great depression and promised that he will fix it.
  • beging of WWII

    beging of WWII
    WWII was the most destrusctive war in the world it gave way to the down fall of western europe this also gave birth of the nuclear age.
  • end of the Great Depression

    end of the Great Depression
    The New Deal had greatly help boost the recovery from this dark time. We increased trade and reduced tarifs on produces so that the U.S. was earning more cash. Unemployment was still very high until WWII which oficaly ended the great depression.
  • end of WWII

    end of WWII
    the end of WWII the nazi defeat a nuke was dropped on japan and the nuclear age was born.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v. Board of Education was a supreme court case which ruled racial segrigation in schools unconstitutional
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    the Montgomery Bus Boycott took place throught out Dec. 5, 1955, to Dec. 21, 1956. Where both blacks and white supporters did not ride the bus. This caused bus segrigstion to be declared unconstitutional
  • The march on Washington

    The march on Washington
    The March on Washington was a march to erase racial segraegation all together. 250,000 black and white americans marched on washington to achieve the goal of complete equality