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in 1830 michael faraday, I slide a magnet around the coils of a cable connected to a galvanometer. by moving the magnet, I was creating a magnetic field that varies in time, which as a result (of Maxwell's equations) must have had a variable electric field over time. -
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Origin: In the 1880, a German inventor created simpliste moving images using a filtered leisher that is seen through a rotary disk, sitting the modern television bases. -
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One rainy day of 1898 Nikola Tesla was in the madison square Garden of New York to appear in the first electrical Exhibition, with on invention called the "teleautomaton". It was miniature boat, remotely controlled by radio. -
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However, it was in 1928 that General Electric combined for the first time the idea of a device that could show images moving with technology to transmit it wirelessly -
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In 1948, once the second world war was completed, thanks to the economic recovery, especially in the U.S television -
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Television stations and networks in much of the world were update from black and white to color transmission between 1975 and 1979. The invention of color television standards is an important part of the history of television -
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During the 1920s, several scientists began to experience with sending fixed imagen using radio waves