Guerra civil espanola

Second Spanish Republic and the Civil War

  • The Second Republic in times of peace (1931-1936)

    The Second Republic in times of peace (1931-1936)
    The international context in which the young Republic was born was adverse in the economic and political sphere. The global economic crisis had begun with the crackdown on 29 and the democratic model was in decline in Europe: Austria had a parachutist government, Germany was about to be ruled by Adolf Hitler and in Italy it was already in power Mussolini.
  • The provisional government (1931)

    The provisional government (1931)
    The provisional government of the Second Spanish Republic exercised the political power in Spain since the proclamation of the Republic on April 14, 1931 until the adoption on December 9 of the Spanish Constitution of 1931 and the formation of the first government ordinarily on December 15, 1931.
  • The reformist biennium (1931-1933)

    The reformist biennium (1931-1933)
    On June 28 elections are held in the constituent courts, again with overwhelming victory of the lefts. Before the end of the year, on October 14, Alcalá-Zamora resigned as the president of the government because there are too many secular and reformist positions in Parliament for a centrist like him (he still retains the presidency of the Republic) , and assumes office Manuel Azaña, until then Minister of War.
  • The conservative biennium or black biennium (1933-1936)

    The conservative biennium or black biennium (1933-1936)
    In the autumn of 1933, the crisis of the republican-socialist coalition and the government's weariness were already evident. The head of the government, Manuel Azaña, resigned and the president of the Republic, Alcalá Zamora, dissolved the courts and summoned elections in November.
  • The elections of 1933: the rule of rights

    The elections of 1933: the rule of rights
    The general elections of 1933 were held on November 18. Although the abstention was very high, they were the first ones in which, in application of the 1931 Constitution, women could vote
  • The revolution of October 1934

    The revolution of October 1934
    In the face of workers' mobilization, CEDA demanded that the executive be more forceful in the matter of public order and demanded to participate directly in the government with the threat of withdrawing parliamentary support. Lerroux agreed to these requests and on October 5, 1934 he granted three ministerial portfolios to the party of Gil Robles.
  • The crisis of the second biennium

    The crisis of the second biennium
    The consequences of the October revolution were remarkable. The CEDA increased its influence in the government and was in favor to apply the sentences of rigor and to come to a reorientation of the policy of the government.
  • The Popular Front (1936)

    The Popular Front (1936)
    In these elections, the left had been reorganized: the Socialist Party the Republican Left of Manuel Azaña, the Republican Union of Diego Martínez Barrio, the Communist Party of Spain and the Galician and Catalan nationalists appeared in the elections as Front Popular
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    The Spanish Civil War (July 17, 1936 - April 1, 1939) was a warlike conflict that faced the government of the Second Spanish Republic, which had the support of the leftist organizations, against a part of the army and of the right organizations.
    The war began with a military uprising on July 17, 1936 in the garrison of Melilla, which the next day spread throughout the state
  • Rebellion of the army in Morocco.

    Rebellion of the army in Morocco.
  • The revolt extends to the peninsular territory.

    The revolt extends to the peninsular territory.
  • General Franco

    General Franco
    General Franco flies from the Canaries to Tetuan and takes command of the army of Africa.
    Resigns Santiago Casares Quiroga, head of the Republican government. The formation of a new government is charged with Diego Martínez Barrio, who, due to the lack of support, declines the order. Government form José Giral, who orders the delivery of weapons to the people.
    Revolt in the Balearics.
  • It becomes.

    It becomes.
    Franco becomes Chief of State and General.
    The government of the Republic grants autonomy to the Basque Country. José Antonio Aguirre is appointed president of Euskadi.
  • The battle of the highway of Corunna

    The battle of the highway of Corunna
    The battle of the A Coruña road begins, an attempt with two offensives by Franco's forces to encircle Madrid and ends in mid-January 1937 with the stabilization of the front.
  • The battle begins in Malaga

    The battle begins in Malaga
    The battle of Malaga begins. Three national columns converge on the city, coming from Seville and Granada. On February 6, Republican troops, poorly organized, withdrew to Almeria, being heavily raided by the German naval artillery
  • National offensive begins at the Battle of Jarama

    National offensive begins at the Battle of Jarama
    The national offensive in the battle of Jarama begins with the aim of isolating Madrid. After hard fighting, between forces of General Orgaz (national) and general Pozas and Miaja (Republicans), the objective of isolating the capital is not achieved, ending the battle on February 24.
  • The battle of Guadalajara begins with the aim of isolating Madrid.

    The battle of Guadalajara begins with the aim of isolating Madrid.
    The battle of Guadalajara begins with the aim of isolating Madrid. After a rapid advancement of the national and Italian troops, there was a counterattack of the Republicans, aided by Russian tanks and planes, in which the Italians suffered a serious upheaval. It ended on March 18 without reaching the goal.
  • The Battle of Teruel begins

    The Battle of Teruel begins
  • Franco under the command of the generals Varela and Aranda.

    Franco under the command of the generals Varela and Aranda.
    Republican troops headed by the generals Hernandez Sarabia and Leopoldo Menéndez take the city of Teruel when surrendering Colonel King of Harcourt not arriving in time, due to the harsh winter, the troops sent by Franc under the command of the generals Varela and Aranda .
  • Battle for Barcelona

    Battle for Barcelona
    The Battle for Barcelona begins. Six national armies are launched on Catalonia on a front stretching from the Pyrenees to the south of the Ebro. They take Borges Blanques, they surround Tarragona and arrive in the vicinity of Barcelona. The government that was in Barcelona withdrew to Girona although the troops that defend Barcelona maintain their resistance.
  • Barcelona falls into the hands of the nationals.

    Barcelona falls into the hands of the nationals.
  • The nationals take Girona.

    The nationals take Girona.
    The nationals take Girona. The Republican army in Catalonia is virtually disintegrated.
  • Between 4-12 March

    Between 4-12 March
    Anti-Communist blow of Colonel Segismundo Casado. A civil war broke out in the streets of Madrid within the civil war. The Council of National Defense, led by Colonel Casado, tries to negotiate with Franco without results.
    The Republican government leaves for exile in France
  • Disintegration of republican armies. The nationals take Madrid.

    Disintegration of republican armies. The nationals take Madrid.
  • Franco announces that the war is over.

    Franco announces that the war is over.
    Almost after 3 years the war finally finishs after destroying almost everything,