
El Camino

By Shlat
  • 8 BCE

    How did the El Camino De Santiago start

    How did the El Camino De Santiago start
    The Camino de Santiago has existed for over 1000 years
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    When does it date back too?

    When does it date back too?
    The Camino dates back to the 8th Century
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    Who's remains where found?

    Who's remains where found?
    The remains of St James the Apostle were found
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    Where was his remains found?

    Where was his remains found?
    The remains of St James the Apostle were first discovered in Northern Spain.
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    What did St James preach?

    What did St James preach?
    It is believed that St James preached the Gospel in present day Galicia
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    What happened on return to Jerusalem?

    What happened on return to Jerusalem?
    On return to Jerusalem he was beheaded by King Herod in 44AD
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    What did his followers say?

    What did his followers say?
    His followers are said to have transported his remains to Northern Galicia
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    When were his remains found?

    When were his remains found?
    His followers are said to have transported his remains to Northern Galicia where they lay undiscovered until 813.
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    What did the discovery of his remains create?

    What did the discovery of his remains create?
    The discovery of his remains in the 9th Century led to the creation of a religious shrine
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    What made the Comino de Santiago

    What made the Comino de Santiago
    The discovery of his remains in the 9th Century led to the creation of a religious shrine which marks the beginning of Santiago de Compostela and the Camino de Santiago