Barroco contexto


  • Period: 1560 to

    baroque lyric

    Latinization of the language, which is achieved fundamentally through the abundant use of the hyperbaton and the taste for cultisms and neologisms. Intensive use of metaphors and images
  • Period: 1563 to

    The Counter-Reformation

    The Counter-Reformation is the response to the challenge of putting the authority of princes and the secular world above the authority of the Church as an institution and power.
  • Period: to


    Theatrical plays were performed in corrals, which were patios surrounded by houses. There was an audience eager to see action and eager to be surprised. The most performed works were comedies which, according to Baroque authors, were theatrical works in which the tragic was mixed with the comic.
  • Santo Entierro

    Santo Entierro
    The painting was commissioned by Alessandro Vittrice or Girolamo Vittrice, an exponent of the Vittrice family, who was notably influential in the clerical world; Jerome made this large canvas with the theme of the deposition and it was finished two years later.5
  • Period: to


    The Thirty Years' War was a 17th-century religious conflict fought primarily in central Europe. It remains one of the longest and most brutal wars in human history, with more than 8 million victims as a result of the military battles, as well as the famine and disease caused by the conflict.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years' War

    The causes of the Thirty Years' War were: the imbalance of power in the region, the weakening of the Holy Roman Empire, the resentment of the powerful Habsburg dynasty, commercial interests in the region, and especially religious division. and sectarian violence.
  • The Night Watch

    The Night Watch
    The Night Watch, the famous painting painted by Rembrandt, has an initial sketch under the final work painted by the artist. As it is a multiple military portrait, made to order, what the painter usually did in these cases was that he charged each of the people he painted on the canvas.
  • the night watch

    the night watch
    This painting is one of the jewels of the permanent exhibition at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, a gallery specializing in Dutch art.
  • Las Meninas

    Las Meninas
    Painted by Velázquez, during what was the last decade of his existence, five years after returning from his second Italian trip and the birth of the Infanta Margarita - the luminously obvious protagonist of the painting
  • Las Meninas

    Las Meninas
    Painted by Velázquez, during what was the last decade of his existence, five years after returning from his second Italian trip and the birth of the Infanta Margarita - the luminously obvious protagonist of the painting

    Rococo emerged from the baroque, but was more playful. Both styles were status architecture and featured much ornamentation. However, Baroque was dramatic, while Rococo was light and airy.
  • the death of Johann Sebastian Bach

    the death of Johann Sebastian Bach