• Tratado de Fountainebleau

    Tratado de Fountainebleau
    Napoleon firma con Godoí este tratado que permitía el paso de las tropas francesas por Europa, Lo que unos años más tarde causará varias disputas dando lugar finalmente a la guerra de la Independencia Española.
  • Charles IV

    Charles IV
    Charles IV reigned in Spain during the War of Independence, although the great positions were carried out mainly by his secretary Manuel Godoi (who was suspected of having some kind of rapprochement with the wife of Charles IV) because he preferred to spend his time hunting or doing activities of that type. After the Aranjuez mutiny( March/1808) , Charles VI abdicated to his son Fernando VII.
  • Godoi

    Godoi was the secretary of Charles IV during his reign, he carried out his main and monarchical functions since Charles IV dedicated more time to other activities such as hunting. He had a great role in the Spanish War of Independence, as he signed the Treaty of Fontanibleau on May 2, 1808, which would later cause the outbreak of the war.