Period: 4000 BCE to
Old Demographic Cycle
Was a period of time in wich the mortality and natality were to high so the population growth slowly. This period starts when the humanity appears and end at the 18th century -
Period: 3000 BCE to
Social Classes
They were created after the primittive community and it lasted to the day of today. It were social groups that were differenced bacause of their economy and not due to their priviledges. -
Period: 1500 to
Ancient Regime
The Ancient Regime was a political system that starts in the 15th century and end in the 18th century . There were three states : the nobility and clergy , the bourgeoisie , and the peasants.
the king had all the power and he did the laws and executed it , also he had all the judicial power. -
Period: 1501 to
Domestic System
It was a system of handmade production of the 16th and 18th in wich the people made the manufacture objects in their houses with hand tools. Merchants facilitated raw materials and hand tools to the craftmen to produce objets and sell it later. -
Period: 1501 to
Social group wich is characterized by have determinated conditions economics and legals. It were created during the Acient Regime. -
Period: 1501 to
Absolutism is the name of a political regime, a part of a historical period, an ideology and a political system typical of the so-called Old Regime. -
Voltaire was a french writer and philosopher of the 18th century that made important works like Ediptus.He was agains all the acient regime means -
Period: to
Enlightened Despotism
It was a political system created by the some kings of the Acient Regime that wants to ;increase the educative leven of the suddens, rationalize the administration and boost the economic development, but without lose their power -
Period: to
The enlightenment was a intellectual movement of the 18th century that was against all the principals of the Ancient Regime. It help was one of the principal reasons to make the revolts like the French Revolution. -
Thomas Jefferson
American politician of the 18th century born in virginia that is considers one of the father fundators , because he was one of the principals autors of the independence declaration . -
Rosseau was a french philosopher born in Geneva, but he work in France . He lived in the modern age , during the 18th century , and he was recognised because two important works : "The contract social" and "El Emilio". -
The Separation Of Powers
Polytical principal wich said that any power had to have relation with another, they must be independents one of another. -
The Encyclopedia
The encyclopedia is a work created by:Diderot, d'Alembert, Montesquieu, Turgot, Quensay and buffon. The encyclopedia was created with the intentio of collect all the knowledge of the time and make them accessible to all the public in general. -
Louis 16th
Louis 16 was the King of france during the French Revolution. He was born in 1754 and died in the guillotine in 1793 with his wife María Antonieta because of treason to France. -
Was a French philosopher of the 18th century that was a grea defender of the separations of powers. He made important works and helped in the creation of the Encyclopedia. -
Robespierre was the leadeer of a political party called Jacobins. He lived in the 18th century and was born in Arras. He made a coup and proclamed a dictatorship, with the sans culottes sut up the terror regime in wich more than 50000 people died in the guillotine. Robespierre was execute on the guillotine in 1794. -
Period: to
First Industrial Revolution
In this industrial revlution were a lot of innovations, Europe pass fron a ruran society and agrarian economy to a urban society and industrial economy. It was invented : the steam engine, steam railway, the steam ship and the mechanical spinning machine. The resources of energy were the coal end the steam. The organization of the work consist in the division of the work and the sustitution of workers by machines. The world power in the first industrial revolution were Great Britain. -
The Social Contract
The social contract was a work that rosseau mades that helped inspire political reforms or revolutions in Europe, especially in France. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
He was a French politician and militry of the 18th and 19th century who won the elections in 1848 and became the president of the the republic. Later he gave a coup and procaimed a the napoleonic empire that will end in 1815. Napoleon died in 1815 in the island of Santa Helena. -
Labor movement
Was a set of collective initiatives that were made by the workers of the factories to improve their conditions. -
Rural Exodus
Movement of the farmers to the citys to work in the new industries that were emerging. -
Period: to
The war of independence
The war of indepencence between the british colonies and Great Britain starts because the colonies see Great bretain an obstacle to their economy. The colonies were led by George Washington and supported by France and Spain . The war finish with the Peace of Versailles (1787) in wich the United Kingdom recognise the independence of the United States. -
Adam Smith
Scottish philosopher and economic of the 18th century that defound the idea of the free trade. We can say that is the father of the modern economy. -
Was a french social party of the 18th century. His leader was Robespierre and during the years 1793 to 1794 they were in charge of the assembly and of the revolution, in this period they were responsible for the revolution, they sent to execute any person suspected of being against their ideals, among them the monarch Louis XVI. -
George Washington
George Washington was the person that led the british colonies in the war of independence. Later in 1789 was proclamed the first president of the United States. -
Storming of the Bastille
The 14 of July of 1789 the Storming of the Bastille was produced in Paris as a consequence of the Ancient regime , the absolutism and the ilustration.
The population of Paris took the fortress of Bastilla and it was the beginning of the French Revolution -
They were a political party during thr french revolution. From the beginning of the Girondin era, his ideas were to encourage the revolution in a peaceful manner with the idea of seeking an agreement between the monarchy and the nobility -
Constitutional Monarchy
Form of govern in wich exist the separation of powers . the king has thye executive power like head of state but name the govern to take the decisions. -
Coup of Napoleón Bonaparte
Napoleón supported by the bourgeoisie made a coup and establish the consulate , in wich the power was the power is exercised by three consuls: Napoleón, Duco and Sieyès. -
George Stephenson
Was a british mechanical engineer of the 18th and 19th century. Built the world's first public railway that used steam locomotives ans the first railway line with passanger transport -
Economic liberalism
The economic liberalism was a economic thinking that was based on a theory of Adam Smith wich said that the economic activity shoud be governed by a principle of freedom. -
Jammes Watt
Scottish engineer of the 18th century that patented the steam engine and included numerous improvements to develop the machine -
Abraham Lincon
Was an american politician of the 19th century thatbecame the president of the united states during the seccesion's war. He was shoted and die 1865. -
Mijail Bakunin
Was a russian anarchist os the 19th century that defended the idea of the creation of communes without a state that govern. He wants wealth were delivered by all the citizens and the burgueoisie shouldn't oppress the workers -
Period: to
Congress of Viena
International Meeting summoned with the objetive of restore the borders bewteen France and Europe after the defeat of Napoleon and came back to the Acient Regime and avoid other revolts like the French Revolution. -
Period: to
Was a historiographic denomination in wich Europe came back to the Acient Regime and it was characterized by monarchical legitimacy, international responsability and Congress System. -
Period: to
First Revolutionary Wave
It starts because the people disagree the return of the Ancient Regime. In 1820 , In spain , when the commander Riego revolt to the king Fernando the 7th. There were a new stage of a liberal govern in wich the king hadto accept the principals of the constitution of 1812. This stage finish whith the intervention of the Holly alliance. The first revolucionary wave finish whith the independence of Greece to the ottoman empire in 1829 -
Period: to
Second Revolucionary Wave
The second revolucionary wave starts in France , when Carlos the 10th try to implant a absolute monarch but was defeated. Later Luis Felipe de Orleans implant a liberal monarch.
In Bruselas was produced a revolt against the king of Netherlands, that resulted in the independence of Belgium. -
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was a philosopher and solialist scientific that with Friedrich Engels made a book called Communist Manifesto. It explain that there was a fight of classes between the oppressors (Bourgueoisie) and the oppressed(proletariat). With his ideas Karl Marx was one of the founders of the Comunism and the socialist political partys started to growth. -
Friedrich Engels
Friedrich Engels, was a philosopher, sociologist, journalist, revolutionary and German communist and socialist theorist. He made the Communist Manifesto with the philisopher Karl Marx. -
Was a movement that claims the right to vote for women. It was the previous step to feminism, that is, full equality equality with respect to man -
A.I.T. Asociaciones Internacionales de Trabajadores
They were created in 1864 in order to gather the workers and fight to improve is situation -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Was a French philosopher and revolucionary of the 19th century , founder of the anarchism . He was agains any form of state and didnt' want political organizations. -
Period: to
Transoceanic Migrations
The transoceanic migrations were a series of movements made by the people that lived in the rural areas to the urban areas to work in the factories fron one continent to another. USA recive the 60% of the emigrants. -
Period: to
Second Industrial Revolution
In the second industrial revolution there were invented a lot of things like the car, the airplane , the cold rooms, the explosion engine, the iron helmets for the boats and the propeller. The steel was used to fabricate weapons or for boats and architecture. The most pincipals fuels were the oil and electricity. The people communicated by telephones, the radio or the telegraphs. There were teo news forms of work that were the Fordism and the Taylorism. USA and Germany were the most world powers -
First of May
Party that is make to celebrate the International Workers Day. The party is celebrated the first of may to commemorate the martyrs of chicago, in what 5 people die,