Jan 22, 1561
Francis Bacon
Thomas Hobbes
Jhon Locke
French ilustrated philosopher who defended natural rights and the freedom of the population. -
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La Ilusración
La ilustración fuñe un movimiento intelectual que defendía el uso de la razón como forma de alcanzar la felicidad. Criticaba el sistema social, económico y de gobierno del Antiguo Régimen. -
French ilustrated philosopher who defended the separationof powers and the cnostitutional monarchy. -
French ilustrated philosopher who defended thseparation between church and government and the freedom of the population. -
Swedish ilustrated philosopher who defended the popular sovereign and the social equality. -
Denis Diderot
French ilustrated philosopher who directed the creation of the enciclpedy with D'ambert -
Adam Smith
Scottish ilustrated philosopher who defended the free-market economy and argued against te regulation of trade. -
George Washington
He was the first president of the USA. He was the United States leader during the American Revolution War. He led the USA to victory. He is considered as one of the Founding Fathers -
James Watt
He was a Scottish inventor and mecanical engineer who improved the Newcome's steam machine and patented some other important inventions such as the rotor engine or the double action engine. -
Thomas Jefferson
He was the third president of the USA, powerful advocate and spokesman. Main author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Considered one of the American Founding Fathers. -
Luis XVI
He was king of France when the monarchy was overthrown during the French Revolution. -
Maximilien Robespierre
He was a French lawyer and politician who became leader of the Jacobins during the French Revolution. He became dictator during the Regime of Terror, eliminating everyone considered enemies of the Revolution. -
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Primera Revolución Industrial
Conjunto de cambios sociales, tecnológicos y económicos iniciados en Gran Bretaña en el sigo XVIII. -
Máquina de Vapor
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military political leader who ruled France from 1799 and became emperor on 1804 until 1814. Defended liberal ideas but controlled all the powers. Invaded different european countries, creating the Napoleonic Empire. -
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Independence of the United States of America
Proceso mediante el cual las 14 colonias Británicas situadas en América se separaron de la corona creando su propia nación. -
Declaration of independence of the USA
Documento de carácter político que recogía los principios liberales de igualdad y libertad. Creada en su mayoría por Thomas Jefferson y firmada por los representantes de las 13 colonias. -
La Enciclopedia
Diccionario ilustrado que pretendía recoger todos los saberes hasta la fecha. Su creación fué dirigida por D'Alembert y Diderot -
George Stephneson
English inventor who invented the "Rocket", the most famous early railway locomotive. He was also appointed engineer for the construction of the Liverpool-Manchester and Stockton-Darlington railways. -
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Revolución Francesa
La Revolución Francesa fue un período de transición política y social en Francia que llevó al fin de la monarquía y al surgimiento del nuevo sistema de separación de poderes. -
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Imperio Napoleónico
Imperio creado por Napoleon Bonaparte con el fin de conquistar Europa y expandir el reino de Francia. Poseía el ejército mas potente de la época. -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
He was a French socialist philosopher and politician, whose doctrines became the bases for the anarchist theory. -
Abraham Lincoln
He was the 16th president of the USA. His presidency was dominated by the American Civil War. Defended the emancipation of all slaves and preserved the union during the Civil War. He's considered one of the Americas greatest Leaders -
Period: to
Congreso de Viena
Reunión donde se juntaron las principales potencias europeas para garantizar paz y una vuelta al Antiguo Régimen sin problemas ni revoluciones. -
Mijail Bakunin
He was a russian revolutionary and political writer and one of the founders of the anarchism. He criticised capitalism and defended the revolution aganist the state and the creation of an equalitary society. -
Karl Marx
He was a german revolutionary thinker and socialist philosopher. His writtings formed the theoretical base for comunism. He wrote "The Capital" and "Bible of the Working Class" -
Period: to
Revoluciones liberales de 1820, 1830 y 1848
Friedrich Engels
He was a german socialist philosopher and closest collaborator of Karl Marx in the foundation of modern comunism. He co-authored "The Communist Manifesto" and edited the 2nd and 3rd volume of "The Capital". -
Thomas Alva Edison
He was an american businessman and inventor. He held more than 1000 patents for his inventions. He was the inventor of the light bulb, the photograph and the motion picture. -
Movimiento político internacionalista que agrupa grupos políticos y organizaciones obreras de diferentes países. Su objetivo inicial era mantener el contacto para preparar la Revolución Universal. -
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Segunda Revolución Industrial
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Unificación Alemana
Primero de Mayo
Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores. Establecido en 1890 como dia de paro y protesta general para presentar las reivindicaciones obreras a las autoridades. Homenaje a los Mártires de Chicago.