Period: 1492 to
The Ancien Régime was characterized by an absolutist political system, an agrarian subsistence economy, an estate society dominated by privileged groups and a strong influence of religion in all aspects of life. -
Historical process in which rationalist and liberal thought flourished in Europe. -
Was a French philosopher that thought the separation of powers. -
Declaración de derechos
El rey otorgó derechos y libertades. -
Was a french philosopher, he was an advocate of freedom. -
Was a philosopher, his political philosophy influenced, in aspects for the French Revolution. -
Adam Smith
Was a Scottish economist and philosopher and an indispensable figure during the Enlightenment. -
James Watt
He was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer who developed on the steam engine in the Industrial Revolution. -
Thomas Jefferson
He was the third president of the USA. He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. -
Pretendió ser un compendio de los saberes de la época. Fue dirigida por Diderot D’Alambert aunque también intervinieron otros filósofos ilustrados. -
Louis XVI
He was an absolute monarch who governed France. He was guilty by the girondins because of traition -
He was born in France, he become famouse in the French Revolution. He became leader of the jacobins and a dictator during The Reign of Terror. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
He was a French military and political leader during the French Revolution. He has been consul and emperor. -
Period: to
Fundamental change that occurs in a society when its economy stops being based on agriculture and crafts to depend on industry. -
Tea Acts
El parlamento británico dio el monopolio de la venta de té en las colonias esto provocó el motín del té. -
Guerra de Independencia de EE.UU
Entre 1775 y 1783 estalló la guerra entre americanos y el Reino Unido. -
Declaración de Independencia de EE.UU
Firmada por los representantes de las trece colonias -
Batalla de Saratoga
George Stephenson
Was a British engineer invented some Railways. He built the first public railway with a steam engine. -
Batalla de Yorktown
Paz de Versalles
Reino Unido reconoce la independencia de Estados Unidos. -
Constitución EE.UU
En ella se reconocían la soberanía nacional y la división de poderes. -
Asamblea de Notables
El rey convocó una asamblea de notables para convencer a los privilegiados de que pagaran impuestos. -
It was a period of great social and political upheaval in France. It witnessed the collapse of the monarchy, the establishment of the First French Republic and culminated in the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the beginning of the Napoleonic era. -
Toma de la Bastilla
Juramento del Juego de la Pelota
La Asamblea Nacional, los representantes del tercer estado, juraron permanecer unidos hasta que se diera a Francia una Constitución. -
Asalto al Palacio de Tullerías
El Terror
Periodo comprendido durante la dictadura de Robespierre. En este periodo, cualquier persona que no apoyase a la República era condenada a la guillotina. Terminó en 1794, cuando Robespierre fue guillotinado. -
Golpe de Estado de Termidor
Código Civil
Napoleón elaboró el código civil donde unificó las leyes para modernizar Francia. -
Batalla de Trafalgar
Batalla de Jena
Napoleón venció a los prusianos en Jena. -
Barcos de Vapor
Guerra de Independencia Española
Napoleón aprovechó su paso hacía Portugal para invadir España. -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Was a french socialist and politician. He lived during the 19th century. -
Abraham Lincoln
He was the 16th president of the Unites States. He was famous during the American Civil War. -
Derrota Leipzig
Napoleón vencido por de Reino Unido, Austria, Rusia y Prusia. -
Exilio de Napoleón a la Isla de Elba
Mijail Bakunin
He was a Russian revolutionary anarchiest. -
The Steam locomotive is a type of locomotive powered by the action of water vapor. It was the dominant form of traction on railways. -
Exilio a la Isla de Sta. Elena
Congreso de Viena
Reino Unido, Prusia, Rusia y Austria se reunieron en Viena para garantizar una paz duradera y evitar nuevas revoluciones. -
Derrota de Waterloo
Napoleón fue derrotado definitivamente. -
Karl Marx
He was a German philosopher, economist, socialist revolutionary. He is known by titles as The Communist Manifesto. -
Friedrich Engels
He was a German philosopher and revolutionary socialist. He lived during the 19th century. Friend an collaborator of Karl Marx. -
Asociaciones Obreras
Creada por la clase obrera a modo de protesta. -
1ª Oleada Revolucionaria
Period: to
Identified by political philosophers who believe that there can be a form of nationalism that is compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, individual rights... -
Muerte de Napoleón
En Santa Elena -
1ª línea comercial de ferrocarril
De Stockton a Darlington -
2ª oleada Revolucionaria
Carlos X fue derrocado y le sucedió Luis Felipe de Orleans que implantó una monarquía liberal. -
Ideología obrera impulsada por Joseph Proudhon y Mijaíl Bakunin. -
Thomas Edison
He was an American inventor. He developed many devices in fields such as electric power generation, mass communication or sound recording. -
Ideología obrera impulsada por Karl Marx y Friedrich Engels que pretendía destruir el capitalismo y dar el poder a los trabajadores. -
3ª oleada Revolucionaria
En Francia se derribó la monarquía de Luis Felipe de Orleans, y se proclamó la segunda República en la que el presidente era Luis Napoleón Bonaparte.